Part 6

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I groaned as I leaned up in my bed "what the hell happened?" I was very much unhappy as I stood up and walked out of my room I wondered around the travers hopping to find someone that I knew but it was like everyone was gone at this point which scared me a little.

"King?" I yelled hoping he heard me I walked outside to be met with blood everywhere

"Y-y/n..?" I noticed king was bloodied and impaled with a sword through his stomach.

"KING!" I ran over to him stumbling over my own feet

I feel to my knees pick him up and cradling him in my arms since he was so small I rocked myself and him back and forth trying to calm not only myself but him as well.

"Th-thank you."

I looked down as he closed his eyes "k-king?" I looked at him upset. "H-hey stop m-messing around open your eyes.." I noticed he had stopped breathing "open your eyes damn-it" I told him while crying.

"Y/N!" I woke up to someone shaking me.

I pushed whoever it was away my body trembling and tears running down my face.

"Y/n are you ok you were crying out into your sleep for me are you ok?" I saw king floating next to me as I quickly pulled him in for a hug.

"Your not dead." Was all I could manage to say.

"Now why would I be dead?" He paused for a moment "let me guess, you had a nightmare..?" I nodded my head as he sighed. "How bout you tell me what happened?"

"It was so real you all were dead when I walked outside you were the only one clinging for life I held you in my arms trying to comfort you... but you died. In my arms..."

I let king go and he seemed to understand why I was so shaken up but it was then when we heard what sounded like a Bomb going off. Me and king both looked at each other until we ran down the stairs to be met with the sight of Gilthunder starring Melodias down.

"We will be taking my sister back."

I growled "and if I don't want to leave?" Everyone heads turned and faced me  I made a s in the air and makes circle around it forming the yin and yang symbol that glowed until I drew a bigger circles around it forming many yin and yang symbols.

Closing my hands into a fist they were all sent flying towards Gilthunder each time one hit it made a mini explosion sending him flying out of the tavern. "He might be my brother," I turned to face the other sins all of them behind me "but your my real family!" I smiled brightly

They all looked at me shocked "what?" I asked completely confused as to why they were starring.

Meliodas pov

I face palmed myself her sin mark was showing  cause Elizabeth had forgot to put bandages over it. "What?" Was all she said next I really thought this girl was going to be smarter then this.

"Guys meet y/n our newest member the swan sin of death, and the master of the yin and yang." They all stood there before Gowther started

"I tried to tell you all but captain wouldn't let me finish my sentence."

"Good going gowther now they are going to be all over me and not her..." I sighed heavily as expected all of their beards turned to ace me waiting for an explanation that wasn't going to happen unless y/n wanted me to tell them.

"Y/n May I tell the rest of the team who you are and maybe you could share how you got your sin?"

She nodded her head weakly it probably took a lot out of her to casts a spell like that.

King pov

After captain explained everything it made a lot of sense but then I noticed how she shifted in her spot and acting really nervous, she was about to share her sin origin...

"Well when I was younger... I came across this village and something pulled me closer I made a deal with something, to give me more power as a holy knight. But on my way out a little girl was hurt so I picked her up and walked around for hours trying to find her parents, I didn't notice she was slowly dying."

She paused unfinished with her story "she was slowly dying and when she died everyone started calling me a monster and a traitor and my bloodlust was set free.... I slaughtered every last person in that city without remorse, it eventually turned into a fun game to play."

Her words rang in my head she was completely misunderstood her sin unlocked by a freak accident.

"If people die near me or u smell too much blood I get thrown into a killing spree."

It was her fault. I sat there completely still I didn't want to judge her. As she left the tavern I followed her "y/n?"

She looked back at me and patted the spot next to her "hey king sorry I freaked out this morning..." she apologized

She was upset about that "nah it's cool nightmares happen all the time but why weren't you thrown into your frenzy in your dream?"

She seemed to pause for a long time "probably cause it was a dream." She paused and smiled "cause if that was to happen I would probably kill everyone trying to get your guys killer."

I don't know how she managed to say that with a smile on her face but it made my blush she was willing to go that far for us?

"Well maybe not Diane." I froze

"Why not Diane isn't she part of this family too?" She looked at me her eyes filled with hate.

"She's a bitch if you ask me I can't stand her she gives me the wrong vibes her aura wants to make me go crazy without the blood or death."

"Her aura?"
A/n;  hey guys I hope you enjoy the book make sure you click the ⭐️ at the bottom and feel free to read my other books!

Love y'all~

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