Part 2

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"But he only stared"

I looked at the man in front of me "Ban?" I asked trying to play dumb.

"Listen up you holy knight why'd you let me go and what did you do to me!" He was ticked.

"I don't know what your-" he cut me off

"The voice in my head that keeps talking to me asking me to help them and save them!"

I paused "what is it saying?" I looked at him seriously.

He froze unsure of if he should continue "nothing just its nothing." He walks back in but before he does he looks at me mouthing the word run.

I look at him confused until I hear him yelling about the holy knight that's outside and the gang came running out looking at me weapons drawn (I ain't following the story so they are all there.) I growl glaring at Ban and he smirked as I pulled out my scythe.

"Listen I'm not here to fight!" I yelled but at the time I was blocking kings secret treasure that he was control to attack at me.

I looked at Ban daring him to say something but Meliodas spoke first " then talk and explain yourself."

He looked calmer then before but still a little on edge " I'm not who you think I am look" I showed them the missing poster I grabbed. "I just need a place to hide and I figured I'd stop to grab a drink here"

They all looked at me

"Judging me"

I noticed the glance from Ban he looked uncertain "captain we could let her hide out with us..?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

Meliodas sighed "ok welcome aboard but you will have to work in the tavern." He wiggles his eyebrows and I felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's only fair." I said "oh and don't worry I'm not gonna let your guys secret slip I know your the sins." I walked up to them

"King, show her the spare room." Meliodas walked inside the boat hat.

King sighed and floated inside as I followed behind him he opened the door and left. I walked into my room and sat down my stuff I grabbed the small scythe from behind my backpack and pressed the button on it the handle becoming longer. About the size of me I lean it on the wall and lay down on the bed to hear a knock.

"Come in!" I yelled

Meliodas walked in with a box it held a very revealing outfit "you uniform show me once you done changing" he closed the door but I didn't hear him walk away.

I put it on a pink shirt that showed belly and a short skirt with one long black sock and not the other. I noticed the shirt was button up but I didn't notice the one of the buttons was broken and showed my mark. I walked outside of my room and Meliodas looked up from what he was doing. I saw him staring at what I thought was my chest and noticed the broken button... and the mark.


Meliodas grabbed my hand and dragged me to my room "you never told me you were a sin!"

I looked at him I hadn't read the note book yet I didn't feel safe too so I haven't learned anything about me yet. "Look Meliodas I'll talk to you tomorrow about it but not today."

He sighed "I won't let you not telling me slide if that mark means what I think the others can't know."

He looked deadly serious and it scared me, he left and I grabbed my notebook reading it.

June xx xxxx
My name is Y/n and I've done something terrible, even my brother doesn't know.  I was on my morning routine when I came across the village I would stop to grave a drink at. Except something was wrong I made my horse run faster the village was... fine. Until I heard  whispers around me when no one was there I thought I was going insane.

Then I saw it a black shadowy figure it spoke to me lulling me to it I got off my horse. It looked like a shadow I went to touch it and my hand went through but it held something. It reached its hands out and held a lighter and a scythe I took them both.

"You know what to do." It spoke quietly.

I lit the village on fire killing every man woman and child there. The worse part was it was fun.. enjoyable... exciting. I walked back to my horse and got onto it continuing my journey my white armor stained red with blood and ash. It's why I changed it to look like a F/c girl version of my brothers.

My name is Y/N the Swan sin of Death.

I closed the book looking pale 'the swan sin of death' I thought. That's why it looked like a yin and yang...good and bad mixed.


I walked out of my room in panic I bumped into king he looked down probably taking note of my appearance but stopped at my chest area. I knew what he was looking at and panicked putting my hands over the broken button.

"Geez you keep staring like that you'll make me think you like what you see." I said in a joking tone and he blushed up bright red.

King's POV
I bumped into the new girl I have to admit she looked decent nowhere near Diane. I noticed her button was broken on her uniform I was in thought. Thinking of a stitching pattern that could fix it when she spoke out.

"Geez you keep staring like that do you like what you see." She said it in a joking tone but I blushed up realizing some of her chest was exposed cause of it until she covered it.

"I-I wasn't looking i w-was just thinking on H-how to fix your B-Button." I stammered out and she burst out laughing.

"It's ok... umm-" I cut her off.

"King, and you are." She looked at me.

"Y/n... Y/n M/n L/N" (first middle last name.) She was getting ready to leave but she stopped. "You said you were thinking of ways to fix the button right? Well do you think you could?"

I smiled I did love making clothes so why not "sure I'll help you with your situation"

She nodded and walked into her room I could hear noise it sound like she was changing then a what sounded like metal hitting the floor. She walked out in the clothes she showed up. she handed my the shirt I heard her say a quick thank you before she walked back inside her room. I walked to me and Ban's stitching a button back on her shirt and fixing her problem.


A/n hello my dear readers! I hope you enjoy the story! Don't forget to click the ⭐️ below and check out my other books!

Love y'all~

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