Part 21

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1 month later y/n POV

I had just finished giving birth to three healthy fairy babies and when the doctors can in I got my first good looks at them. The little girl which we named Lilan kings choice had long H/c hair and one e/c eye and one hazel like kings. She had place along and beautiful lilac wings. The first little boys name was named duke he had kings hair color and my. E/c eyes and a pair of navy wings. Finally the last baby boy Matthew had a hazel hair faded into h/c tips and Kings hazel eyes they were all pretty.

I giggled to myself remembering how we were supposed to have two girls and a boy but we were wrong. I smiled as I held each one of them in my arms never wanting to let them I noticed Matthew had no wings I giggled "just like your father."

I then looked over to the chair next to me that held my husband who had completely dozed off like the sloth sin he was "king~" I tried waking him up "king."  I finally manged a to balance the three kids on my lap and hit him. "Morning sleeping beauty."

He looked around confused then his eyes hit put three little fairies. "Hey little Matthew might be a little more then half human like his brother and sister." I smiled and nodded knowing what he meant. "And they are still out there after they disappeared,"

I faced king with a all serious face "listen here king. I think we should raise them in my world we can have spells to turn them human in my world, and if we do this, they will never know about this world and I'd want them to be safe. And never worry about the Ten Commandments." King took little Lilian from me and ran his hands over her wings which had not yet hardened like a butterfly's.

"Y/n if that's the case then, what will we tell your mom and everyone there?  How will we keep in touch with the team?" He looked upset starring at our daughters wings "how will these guys know about what they are,  about their beautiful powers?" He looked at me upset. "How will they know how awesome their mother is and how they are princes and and a princess?"  He looked down.

"King I know this is hard."

We talked about it while we left the hospital and once we made our choice we walked into the tavern.  Everyone already knew and looked at us expectingly  as we held our children they ran up to us asking question and holding them.

"Alright team, time to make a room for these little guys!" Meliodas seemed to be the happiest but I already knew his backstory and he was found of children.

"I'm sorry that won't be happening." King was the first to speak but he was looking down  "we are going to be raising them in y/n's world so they'd be safe," he looked up "we won't be coming back or telling them about this world."

It was silent.

"What king means to say is that we are going to be taking care of them in my world and Merlin if you could help us with their wings that would be great," I looked around "but, you guys are welcome to visit anytime you want as long as you don't tell them who or what we really are, and if needed you can set up a portal in the travern directly into the house em and king will live in."

Everyone stayed silent "we totally understand you guys!  I remember my experience at that and how I hated the danger," Captain spoke cheerfully. "But do expect a lot of visits from their aunts and uncles" he motioned to the rest of the team."

Merlin smiled and stepped forward holding Lilian "and yes I'll help you with their wings and the portal, but in return I'll expect a favor."

I smiled a nodded "of corse Merlin I would expect nothing else."

Gowther was holding Duke who was holding his finger "is it normal to be captured by these things?" We all giggled as me and Merlin took duke Lilian and Matthew to her room.

We sat there for a long time creating a spell for the three of them and yes we did Matthew just in case and once that was done we set up a portal.

"Now we party to celebrate the last night we are a full family and our new journeys of families of our own!" We all cheered as I sat and watched the children.

"King how fast do fairies grow?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Now look at this my beautiful queen the sin of death herself y/n is stressing over how to raise fairies." I chuckled, "here let me explain."

We sat down in front of each other as he explained how fast they will grow mature and how they also stop growing fast but their human gene should make them a little taller. It was a lot of take in but with king by my side I knew we could do this.

We were so busy talking we didn't notice that all the sins were gone for a long time. "Huh, they will come back right king?" He smiled and nodded.

It took them 5 hours until they show back up. By that time me and king were ready to go we had everything packed that we would need our weapons and a purse of this money just in case something were to happen.  The sins walked us through the portal and in front of us was a mansion.

"You'll owe me another favor after this too       y/n." I looked at Merlin shocked.

"What Merlin means is we built this and everything you need is inside your miles away from any human there's a leak in the back yard  and food, water, baby stuff and a roof over your head."  Diane sit in this time.

I couldn't keep clam this time as I pulled everyone into a group hug "thank you guys so much please visit us anytime!" I composed myself after crying and the others left me and king to get ready on our own.

King looked at me and I looked at him. "Ready we both said in unison"

And stepped inside the house as a family.

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