Part 5

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   I walked away from Diane I was too upset at the moment to think straight anyway so that plastered fake smile never did leave my face. I growled starting to get annoyed and earned a yelp from whoever was  behind me. I turned around to face king.

    "Yes king?" I said faking a smile

   "What's with the fake smile" I felt my heart drop

   "What do mean fake smile?" I looked confused.

   He chuckled "your clearly ticked off, mind explaining?"

   I dropped the act "no not really that's why I was faking." I said smug.

   "Ok whatever." He floated away

I felt bad for snapping yes but... did he have to be like that? I walked outside and into the woods both yin and yang where there.

"Will you leave me alone?" I asked them "or will you teach me to be worthy of your power?"

   Yang walked up to me putting two fingers on my forehead before I blacked out.


  I walked around I understood it was a dream when yang appeared in front of me.

  "I do not simply teach you to be worthy I must take control and do it myself."

I sighed his voice was different from the other one so yin was the one who got in my head before.

   "Of corse do what you must to get this over with."

   I started to watch as my body moved on it's own but I couldn't move as my body moved itself or I should be saying yang moved.

   "It's weird being in this body you are stronger physically and mentally then the others we have dealt with before"

I took it as a compliment as we walked further into the woods and to a lake.  I was confused not understanding what was happening.

   "What are we doing?"

  "Your first test."

   We jumped into the water and stayed under for a long time I wasn't panicking cause I couldn't feel my breath I could still breathe in this weird second from I was in. Plus if I die would that be such a bad thing? Maybe I'd even go home.

  "Good Job you passed the first out of two tests"

I smiled as we kept walking I guess I didn't notice when we got out of the water but I did notice that everything looked different

"hey we were down there for a while how come I didn't die?"  I asked since I was thinking about it.

"Well you did but yin is going to force your soul back once we are done  in the spirit world, but you'll be the first to pass this test."

   I felt cool but scared at the same time but I couldn't let that get to me. we walked till we got to a cliff that looked like it went forever that's when I noticed I could move freely again and yang was next to me.

  "Jump". Was all he said

   So I did I was determined to earn the worthiness of them both so I jumped and it kept going and I kept falling. Until I saw the ground getting closer and closer until, I was back to normal.

  "You passed master."

I smiled proudly "and what about you yin?"

"Trust me mortal and come when called is all I ask."

   I nodded my head knowing I gained their trust "what happens when I lose control of you guys in fights."

   Yin the one who I assume is the smarter of the two looked at me

"Call upon us in a fight but their is no punishment for losing control since its not possible"

   Yin smirked and I started to get a little nervous.

  "After all we only do what you want us too even if you don't realize you wanted us too."

    I nodded my head knowingly what is to come if I really did want someone dead I thanked them both and they dissolved into my sin mark and I made my way back until. A sharp pain went through my arm as I felt a dizziness wash over me and I blacked out.

  King pov
    It's been a while since y/n walked off into the woods and I was starting to get worried for her so I went off to find her. I wondered around for a long time until I saw a guy stab y/n with a needle.

    "Hey!" I yelled as he threw her over his shoulder and took off running "leave Y/n alone!"

   They guy kept sprinting until he got to a cave and he hid I rushed in only to find three different passageways. I called Oslo and guardian to go down the other ones separate and I'd go down The third. Finally I saw Oslo appear and he took me too y/n I ran over to her picking her up.

   But I noticed something glowing above her chest and curiousity got the better of me as I pulled the collar of her shirt down low enough to notice the sin mark on her. It was like a yin and yang sign made up of swans. "Good and evil plus swans." I though until I saw the walls.

   "The sin of death?"  I pushed the thought aside and carried her to the tavern

    "Captain." I called out as Meliodas walked out to see her.

  At this point she was in bad shape Elizabeth rushed her into her room and locked the door behind her.

   Captain we need to talk about our newest member of death" I spoke

   "You saw that? Well I'll explain when the time comes." He walked away

    "Why is she the most wanted but least known?" I tried to pry some more.  "What is she hiding? How did you know!"

"King we need to leave her alone she's strong then him" Captain pointed to the sin of pride who was working the bar.

   He sighed not really buying captains excuse as to why he kept the fact of her hidden but nodded his head anyways walking too to his room.
A/n; hey guys I hope you enjoy the book make sure you click the ⭐️ at the bottom and feel free to read my other books!

Love y'all~

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