Part 22

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Five years later.


King was out gathering food in the forest as I played with the three triplets chasing them around the garden. "I'm gonna get you!" I grabbed Lilian Of the ground and snagged I'm her into a hug.

her h/c hair was now long and tied into to pigtails. Her beautiful two colored eyes now very vibrant I contanstly wonder what her Lilac wings would look like now.

I started chasing after duke. His curly brown hair bounced as he ran and his e/c eyes were very dark unlike his sisters and his navy blue wings probably would've looked very fitting for him. Once again I caught him.

Finally was Matthew. His brown hair that faded into h/c was amazing to say the least  his was straight  and his eye color is so similar to Kong's it's exact. He also a runner that I actually have to pick up my pace to catch him but none the less as I pick him off.


It sounded like a explosion happened and king ran up to me "harlequin, we need to get the kids inside!" He nodded and picked up Lilian and I grabbed the two boys and we ran inside. 

There in the living room was the devil himself "Zeldris." I closed my eyes before handing king the kids he nodded.

"Spirit spear summon." He spoke as his spear appeared as a pillow and he set the kids on it "now stay very still and quiet while your momma deals with this.

I stepped out into the line of sight. "Alright, secret treasure realise!" My scythe flew into my hands as I pressed the button and me and Zeldris started the fight. "Now king! Get them out of here!" I laela the breeze of them flying by .

"My my my y/n you haven't even gotten rusty yet you have three beautiful children." My eyes widened as I shoved him to the ground and took off towards the portal.

I saw king and the kids waiting for me as I jumped on his pillow holding our three kids close as we quickly went through the portal. "Merlin shut the portal off now!"

Merlin was already in the room and canceled it out leaving a finger on the floor. "That was too close..." was all king could say.

"Momma daddy, what just happened," our shy little Matthew spoke out.

"Yeah what the hel-heck was that!" Our brave Lilian spoke

"Where are we where did that portal take us?" Duke who was the smartest spoke.

"Alright I'm going to need you all to be very brave alright?" They all nodded their heads "alright your momma and daddy are not really humans your daddy is a fairy and so are you I'm a holy knight. This is a different world we are in and Merlin I think it's time to show them."

She nodded and brought out the liquid making them each drink it as their fairy wings showed. Lilians lilac wings now had swirls of bright pink and black now on her wings. Duke had now black swirls and lime green. And Matthew still didn't have wings.

"Momma? How come I don't have any?" I smiled and patted his head.

"Guess what daddy doesn't either." I heard him giggle.  And nodded.

"Alright I need to tell captain we are back," I walked down to the tavern.

"Y/n?" I noticed the confused glances I was getting from the old team.

"Captain Zeldris found us and attacked our home we closed the portal and we will be staying here that is if you'll allow us back on the team." I noticed his smile.

"Once a sin always a sin." We both smiled.

I made my way back to king and while the kids where playing with hawk me and him went for a walk. It was nice being back honestly but I felt like we were being followed I stopped in my tracks and pretended to take a step but stopped my foot before touching the ground but still heard leaves crunch.

"Who's there!" King looked at my confused

I watched as Estarossa stepped out in front of me and king summoning a lot of knives me
And king fought for a long time.

I noticed king was surrounded by knives at all angles and Ashe was focused on the front I watched in horror "King Move!"

I run towards him as three knives went through his chest I watched him fall to the ground. I ran over and caught him "k-king?! King please! Damn it king keep your eyes open!" I slapped his face a couple time.

His eyes made there way to face me tears brimming his eyes "thank you, my queen." His hands cupped my check and I held it there.

Then it went limp, I opened my eyes to see his eyes were closed his breathing stopped. But a smile on his face. I stood up and looked at Estarossa "yin yang, I'll need you help here."

Everything went black and when I came too I was sitting on Estarossa's dead body all seven of his hearts stabbed and destroyed. And a couple extra knives everywhere in him. I stumbled up to my feet "Oslo here boy."

The dog soon appeared "I wanna go kings kids:"

The dog gulped me up and I was in my children's room I grabbed Matthew and put him on my back taking dukes and lilian's hand. We climbed out the window.

"Momma? Why are you covered in blood?" I ignored Lilian.

We got to the castle and I walked around until I found Gilthunder. "Brother please, take care of these three."

He looked at me confused "alright, what are your three names." I handed them to him and they tried to get away.

"MOMMA DONT LEAVE US!" That was the loudest I've ever heard Matthew speak.

I turned around and walked out of the castle and into the woods were me and king were attacked. I found his body and picked him up, I carried him around until we got to the fairy Kings forest. Everyone stared and gasped as I got to the great tree and climbed up it. I add a spot nest to Elaine and put king there.

"Alright miss it's time for you to go." It was the fairy jerk who tried to kill ban.

"I don't think you understand, that I was married to him, had children and built a life." I looked at her just in time for tree branches to stab through my just like they did to ban.

"I'll see you in the next life king."

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