She Has Too
Lexa's PoV :
I wake to see Clake still cuddled into me, I smile though I have to leave as much as I'd love to spend the day in with the most beautiful woman on earth, I have dutys to attend to and Clake will understand. I pull away from the sleeping blonde and search from some cloths, I pick up Clakes top and pull it on.
I look back at the sky girl and see she sivering, I pull my fur blanket up over her to cover and place a kiss on the top of her head.I walk out from my sleeping area to see Titus with a familiar girl in his hands, he stands with a gun to the temple of her head and she look afraid not normally an emotion I see on Octavia face.
"Titus what is the meaning of this? " I question in our language and he continues to hold the gun to the girls head and tightens his grip around her neck.
"I'm here for Clake, no one has to get hurt, just give me Wanheda and ill be on my way" the fact he wants Clake makes me panic though I won't show my emotions, I briefly look in the direction of my bed, imagining Clarke asleep helpless, makes me angry and hurt, I must protect her.
"I'm afraid your mistake Clake isn't here" I lie, I could never let anyone not even Titus hurt the woman I love.
"I know your lying Heda, as long as Clake lives your blinded by emotions, if it wasn't for her the Thirty clan wouldn't even exists and you would have to worry about the other clan rising up!" he says honestly I know what he says is true, but Clake isn't the only reason.
" I'm and the Commander, your Commandee and if you hurt Clake you go against me and if that happens you will die!" I snap anger boiling inside me.
"Hodnes laik kwelnes (love is weakness) " he say shouts in Trigedasleng, I want to fly at him and kill him right here but he's the one with a gun and I'm weapon less all I have on me is Clakes shirt.
"Hodnes nou laik kwelnes (love is not weakness) " I growl as he rasie the gun, he shoots at me and I dogde the bullet, I hear a groan come from where my bed is.
My eyes go widen as I turn to face where my bed is I run as fast as I can pulling the curtain open to see Clake stood there one hand on her stomach, red blood seeping through her finger, suddenly she goes pale and looks weak.
She drops to the floor and I catch her, I place a hand over her gunshot wound and a slight tear rollers down my face."you promised to fight remember?" I say rubbing her cheek affectionately. My heart ache seeing her in this way I can't loss her, not now not even, I love her and I haven't even told her.
"I... I promise" she says weakly, I smile at her and she gives me a look as to say I'll be alright.
I wip my head up to see Titus with a smug smile, anger sizzle inside me as I grab my sword from my armour of ground rasing it, I point it at Titus and then lung at him he blocks my every move, which I'm not surprised at, he did teach me.
Sweat drips from my head and I've managed to get at least a few slashes in, though I bleed also.
I look back to see Octavia holding pressure to Clake and my stomach churns, then I feel a blow come from titus I wip round once again this time I punch my sword into his abdomen.
"you can't kill me Heda I'm the only flamekeper" he says smugly I know he's right so I pull away.
"Gaurd" I shout as three gaurd strom in, they look confused, I just keep looking at Clake.
"take Titus to the dungeon no food or water" I growl as they grab Titus by the arms ruffly and they leave.
I rush to Clake, I see her pale weak body lead there she look up at me and a tear slids down my face, openly I allow my emotions to take control.
I cradle her body in my arms and place a kiss on her forehead, I can't loss her, I've already lost to much.
"I love you" I says holding her in my arms her normal bright blue eyes have lost there sparkle as she weakens.
"Lexa" she musters softly, before passing out, I start crying historically as I hold the woman I love in my arms.
"call for a doctor" I snap at Octavia who jumps onto her feet and rushs out the room I continue to hold pressure on her wound, I kiss her head as my tear soak her hair.
The door swing open as the physician runs in Octavia close behind. I'm pulled away from her almost life less body, I fight Octavia force but I'm so weak from my own injury and emotional state she had no problem pulling me away.
The doctor place Clake on the bed and me and Octavia just watch tear in our eyes as out friend lays injured.
I sit on the chair beside Clake holding her hand, she fought just like she promised, now it my turn to fight for her.
I hear the door open to my room and I look to see Octavia, I've given her immunity just like Clake, Octavia refused to leave knowing Clake still hasn't woken up.
"Command?" she speaks softly as she approaches me and Clake, her gaze is locked on Clake. I shares the same concerned look on my face as she does.
"Octavia" i respond looking back at Clake tightening my grip around her hand.
"how is she? " the brunette girl questions sitting down on the chair the opisit side of the bed.
Sadly there's been know since of waking up from Clake, I only leave hers for a short while then I return to sit with her, I look at Octavia with a sad smile and she just bows her head know what my sad look means
"I'm sure she'll be alright" she say in what sounds like the reassuring way, I stroke Clarke's face gently and place a kiss on her forehead.
I know she'll survive she has too, she promised!.

Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...