Open Interrogation
* Mention of torture*
My body is weaker then ever, a few moments of sitting up and I feel as though I could clasps, so I stay lead on the cold metal floor of the Ark. No light enters the small room I'm chained in though that's a good thing, I wouldn't want to look down and see the state my body is in.
The banging of the door opening makes me wake from my dreamless sleep, I don't bother opening my eyes, it's probably just Pike here to torture me for information again. I would have thought he would have learnt by now I'm not giving him information on Lexa.
Eyes land on me and I feel my skin shiver as I hear my chains being undone, I guess it's my time to die.
I'm yanked by the metal chains around my hands, it hurts and I don't think I can stand like they want me too, I can hear them speaking to one another though I can't t make the words out, I don't even know who it is."Make her stand" I hear Pike's voice echo through the small room, then suddenly I'm dragged to my feet, I open my eyes as much as I can through the swelling to see Pike stood in front of me smirking. I try to secure my self on my feet and I can't I just stumble back to the ground with a thud.
I'm dragged out the small cell and rays of blinding light hit me, I close my eyes trying to avoid the burning it causes me, once I'm comfortable in the light I look around, my feet hit ground as I'm dragged across the grass towards the entrance of Arkadia where I see a wooden stand set up properly to torture me some more.
I look around the crowd of people standing around with shock, fear, discus and hatred, plasted on their faces, my eyes scan the crowd looking for Octavia, Ballmay or anyone who could help me but my friend aren't there not even Raven, Monty or Jasper, my eyes meet with those of my mother she has tears falling down her face as I'm attached to the wooden hanging device, my arm being the only thing holding me up. My entire body feels like a waight that I'm trying and falling to hold up.Suddenly Pike begin to speak, he keeps his eyes glued to the crowd of Arkadiance watching. "today you have demanded an open interrogation of Clarke Griffin. Well here it is!" he glares at me with hatred in his eyes and can see he urges to kill me as he speak. "Clarke Griffin is a Traitor to us all, she would sell us out to the grounds as she has done, and for what to be the second to the Commander, a commander who betrayed us all, leaving innocent people to die!" he doesn't shout but he makes his vocie loud so everyone can hear him clearly. A guard hand him a shock baton and he walks towards me, he shoves it in the air to show the people the weapon he's using.
I tighten my eyes closed knowing what's coming next, it happened so meny time I can almost predict the pain."Clarke, I will ask you this one time, how do we get past the blockade" I open my eyes and clench my jaw, I look him dead in the eyes and then look at my people watching, I take a moment to make sure my voice will work, I just hope it dose.
"with your death" I try to yell but my voice comes out in a croak and bearly recognisable, a hush whisper at most, everyone eyes watch me as I cough even that small use of my voice caused discomfort in my throat.
"the blockade with be removed when you die" I say this time my vocie comes out, strong and less weak sounding, meny people look at me as if I'm mad or gone crazy. I feel as though I have in that small dark cell, I wish that Lexa could save me or death would hurry up and take me away."she lies, it will not end with my death!" he growl, he turn and smashes the baton to my stomach, I feel my whole body tence and shake as the electrical currant shocks through my body, the pain almost to much to bear, I feel my self weaken once again, tear form in my eyes and threaten to spill over, but I will them not to, I can't cry.
"tell us how to kill the Commander" he says using the end of the baton to lift my face so my eyes met with his, I just ignore him, I've told them how to bring the blockade down and still they don't believe me. Another wave of Electricity flows through my body aa Pike electrocutes me again. My tear flow down my face and a scream escapes my mouth.
We go around in circles for want feel like day when it may only be a couple of hours most. My face now flooded with tear and my body is in completely agony from the electrical shocks.
The cold hard floor smashes against my body as I'm throwing back in my cell, they don't bother to chain me up I'm to weak to fight anyway let alone run.
My eyes must be playing tricks on my because I'm sure I saw Lexa pass my cell, though when I take a look back she's gone, great now I'm hallucinating. I drag myself to the corner of my cell and allow my whole body to collapse fully, I can't fight any long the will to keep my eyes open is just, to much, I wanted to fight for Lexa, for my people, but this is a fight I'm not going to win so why do I bother. My eyes grow extremely heavy and then close, I couldn't open them if I tried, I'm not asleep just lead in the overwhelming darkness.

Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...