She What!
Its been nearly a month since Clarke left for Arkadia, the ambassador grow impatient and want to march on then as soon as possible but I still hold how Octavia promised she would let me know if anything happens, I just wish I'd heard something Clarke said she would radio when ever she got the chance but nothing in three weeks. I grow tired of waiting maybe it's time I head to Arkadia myself.
I look out over the balcony, I've just kicked yet another ambassador of, he threatened to attack and I'm sick of then dis obeying me, I'm Heda, I make the rules.
Suddenly the doors burst open Octavia and few other Skaikru stand there. I step down from the belcony to approach them.
Where's Clarke, my mind start to race as I scan the small group once more, Clarke most definitely isn't with them"Clarke?" i ask looking at Octavia, her face drops and she shakes her head. My heart starts racing is she gone I can't loss her.
"we should speak in private" she say looking at the ambassador who seem to be watch our interaction. I look to them and then the door. They obviously get the hit and all of them start to walk out, well the ones that I didn't kick off the balcony.
Once there gone the door closes leaving, Octavia, Indra, Michael and the few Skaikru people."What happened?" I snap, my worry echoing in my voice, Octavia looks at her friends and then the girl with dark hair and eyes speaks up.
"she was caught by Pike we tried to break her our ourselves but it didn't go to plan, she been held for nearly three weeks" my heart sinks at what this girl is telling me, Clarke–MY Clarke has been held prisoner for three weeks and I haven't been informed. I feel anger bubbling in side me, I want to call apon the twelve clans and rain death on all of Skaikru but I must see what they have to say.
"she not in a good way, Lexa" Octavia speaks, she seem so hurt at what she's saying I look to Lincoln whom just nods his head in agreement, my heart falls and I look at the ground I can feel the tears welling in my eyes but I mustn't let them fall.
"what can I do to help" I say pulling myself together trying to stay strong for Clarke, I can't fall apart knowing she need me now more then even.
"okay so Pike goes in to torture her at least once a day" A boy says, the word torture make my chest tighten and my heart break. "we plan to assassinate him on his next visit, we have a few of his graurd on our side no one in camp but a few agree with what Pike's doing" he says a small smile crosses his face thought I'm not sure why.
"Clarke's our true leader and no one agree with her being tortured for imformation, the guard assign to Clarke is a friend of ours Miller he's making sure she doesn't die and Bellamy can get us access to Arkadia along with his men" The same dark hair girl says. She had some sort of breace around her leg that seem strange because it doesn't have a dagger attached to it like most.
"Bellamy's helping?" I ask realising the name she just said, it his fault this happened he help murder 300 of my warrior and now want to help free Clarke, I don't understand where dose this boys loyaltys stand. I look to Octavia who knods her head yes and then to Lincoln whom dose the same.
"okay than what do you need from me?" I ask knowing they came here for something, it wouldn't just be to update me on the plan.
"tomorrow there doing a public torturing to make a point at what happens to tractor that's our time to get you and a few other trained warriors in to help, and I thought you would have wanted to kill Pike yourself" Octavia says, she was right I did want to kill Pike myself, if he's the one torturing Clake he's going to pay.
"it's settled then we leave immediately and head to Arkadia, I will bring my best warrior to help save Clarke" I try to sound strong in front of all the Arkadian's, though inside my heart is crushing.
I should have know Clarke wasn't safe I should have acted sooner, maybe if I knew I could have saved Clarke the pain and suffering of torture.
Imagines from Clarke's time in Polis fill me head, her beautiful smile, her sparkling eyes when the light hit them the way her laugh would brighten up my entire room. Her cool skin pressed again mine, the way she called me 'a human radiator' even though I have no clue what that meant.
Then my mind changes I imagine her all beaten up and damaged from what Pike has done to her I imagine her chained to a wall. My eyes well with tears and I allow a few to fall before wiping them away."I'm coming Ai Hodnes" I whisper, I know she can't hear me but I will her to fight until I get there. I can't loss her not after only just saving her.
Lexa's on her way!!! I can't wait for the next chapters!!
Will Pike die?
Will Clarke be saved?
Will everything go to plan?!I can't wait to start writing it !!
Also two chapters in one day!!!!
Please Vote and Comment if you enjoyed the last two chapters!.

Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...