Chapter 22

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The sound of pure happiness and joy fill the streets of Polis, it so busy, all thirteen clan have now arrived, the market are thriving, the nightbloods are exited to see the streets so busy, they can't wait for the tournaments to start, Aden is curtain he's going to win but I have a feeling that Axel is going to surprise them. Since everyone been arriving I bearly see Lexa she so busy making sure all the clan behave, so I train with the nightbloods hoping to get more practice before the tournament.

The sound of the door opening catches my attention and I look up to see Lexa walking in, she has a smile on her face, just recently she seem to be really happy.

"hodnes (love)" she say walking over and wrapping her arms around my middle, I snake my arms around her neck and then place a kiss softly on her lips.

"your in a happy mood" I say breaking the kiss, Lexa just looks at me I can see how happy she is just looking into her beautiful green eyes.

"I love the peace festival, everyone here, I have a very beautiful girlfriend, life's good Clarke, for once I'm not at war with anyone and everything is the way it is suppose to be" she say with a bright smile, I kiss her once again.

"your right life is good" I says.

Lexa and I walk through the market hand in hand, were offered food and cloths, kids run up to Lexa and I asking about us and the tournament and other stuff.
I spot, Octavia and Raven and I decided to join them, I give Lexa a kiss before running of to join my friends, who are also enjoying the festival.

"Clarke" Raven say grinning as I join two girls.

"Rae" I say and she scrunches her nose up at the nickname, which makes me and Octavia chuckle slightly.

"What you two up to?" I ask and both Octavia and Raven give each other a suspicious look.

"we're just cheeking out all the market and laughing and how Raven keeps hitting on anyone who is remotely attractive" Octavia say laugh.

We spent the day shopping and exploring, Octavia and I ended up training, apparently Octavia is going to be trikru's warriors as Indra's shoulder never full recovered and Octavia is her second.

I wake to the sunshine, today's the day the tournament starts and I'm exited and scared, Lexa's must be in the bath because her cloths are still here and she not in bed. I climb out of bed still naked, but I don't care I walk into the bathroom and see Lexa lead in the tub just chilling.

"Morning" I say and she opens her eyes and smiles at me, she sits up and I struggle to keep my eyes of her body.

"good morning Clarke" she say Leaning again the side of the tub.

"your exited for the tournament" I ask her and she starts applying shampoo to her already shiny brown hair.

"yes, remember to be careful Clarke the warrior you'll be against have been trained since birth" she say, I can here the worry in her voice, I wait for her to wash the shampoo out her hair.

"I'll be alright and you'll be watching me from the stand, I'll look after myself I promise" I say Leaning against the tub, I place my lips on her and then she wraps her wet arms round me, before I have time to pull away, she yanks me in land in the tub.
Her laugh echos through the room and I glare at her I'm now soaking wet.

"you going to pay for that" I says and then she looks at me confused, untill I start tickling her, she trys to pull away but in a fit of laughter she can't. The water splashes everywhere but I don't care.

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