When do you leave
I wake to the sun beaming on my face, I squint rubbing my eyes groaning in completely displeasure, I wish to face away from the light but Clarke's arms wrapped tightly around my middle mad this seen almost impossible. Resting my head back down using Clarke almost as a shield from the sun I chuckle to myself at how surpriseing difficult It was to move in Clarke tight grip.
I run my hand through a stray strand of her golden hair in a soothing manner, although Clarke didn't need soothing I found I quite like playing with her hair.
It was nice to see Clarke so peaceful and happy, since she found out Tutis is going to die she hasn't slept much, which is never a good thing.
I watch Clarke breathing in a steady rhythm just smiling at her, I could watch her sleep all day, though it dose kinda feel weird watching someone sleep as almost your invading their personal space, but I'm sure Clarke wouldn't mind me watch her sleep.Would she?.
A sudden knock on the door smashed me back into reality and I groan once again.
Gently I pull away from Clarke not wanting to wake her just yet, though I seem unsuccessful, she stir and then open her eyes almost as if she still in a sleep daz she smile, he bright blue staring up at me."go back to sleep, Ai Hodnes (my Love)" I says and she offer me a small smile before rolling back over sleepishly.
I leave out sleeping area and head to the door, I cover my self up with my nightgown and then open the door a jar to see Indra, much to my surprise at this hour of the morning.
"Heda, sorry to have woke you" she says in Trigedasleng, I simply shake my head to let her know she didn't wake me and give her a look as to say explain why your here.
"the Skaikru are start to push the boundary we've had to kill four more of their guards last night and I fear the Clans are growing impatient, they want to march Skaikur" she explains, I just shake my head, damm Skaikur, if it wasn't for Clarke I would have stormed there camp long ago and now I'm not sure what to do.
"gather the ambassador I think I will need to talk with they again before any of them get impatient" I ordered and Indra left with a quick nod of the head for respect, I offer her a small nod in return before closing the door to my room.
I head back to the bed area and then head to my wardrobe changing into my armour and making sure It all straight I quickly put my hair in it usual braids.
I look over at Clarke who still sleep soundly, she look to innocent and vulnerable just lead there completely exposed.Before leave I pull the fur up to cover her body and kiss her forehead "Ai hod yu in (I love you)" I whisper then leave.
I enter the room and everyone goes silent, all bowing before me usual this made me feel strong, powerfull like I'm invisible almost, however all I can think about is getting back to Clarke.
The meeting drags on for far to long when the Azgeda ambassador spoke up.
"I say we march on Skaikru take care of them once an for all" he roars getting an almost cheer from the other ambassador, I glare down at them hold my self together, knowing that if they march on Arkadia Clake would not forgive me.
"no" my raiesd voice catch their attention and they fall silent, some of the ambassador glare at me knowing what I'm about to say other look as if through they are disappointed in me.
"we wait, I assure you if they do not take their lead out soon, I and all 12 clan's with march on Arkadia and for a war" I say making myself assertive as I speak, all the ambassador agree and thought almost all seem displeased in my decision, I however do not care.

Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...