She Got caught
* Mention of abuse/ torture!*
Rushing out from my room I follow the sound of shouts and gasps, I push my way through to see to men dragging a body, that doesn't show any sign of moment I recognise the woman with blonde hair, as I push through.
If Clarke is dead Lexa will rain hell fire one Arkadia and everyone in it.
I managed to get though after loads of push and shoving, I run as fast as I can to the Two men whom hold her body. I drop to my knees and check for a pules, it's there and still strong she alive, suddenly a pair of hand pull me away."stop" I shout looking up at Bellamy, who has a sad expression on his face which brings me joy, he doesn't deserve to smile after what he did to my people innocent people.
"she a traitor, she's working with Lexa, she tried to take Pike to the grounders" he says, I stare him dead in the eyes anger hit me and all I want to do is punch him, if any ones a traitor it was him.
"I don't believe it?" I lie I know she was doing it I just didn't think I was for another couple of days, I thought I was helping along with Lincoln.
Suddenly I see Abby running full speed towards Clarke, who still remains unconscious in the hands so two guards.
" let her go" Abby demands as she place a hand on Clarke's cheek, I'm surprised she hasn't woke yet, they must have gave her a sedative to keep her unconscious, because she a fighter.
"we can't do that Abby" Pike spoke walking back into camp two gaurd stood either side of him obviously for protection. He no longer felt safe we've lost our window.
"she a traitor and will be punished so" he says as they continue to drag Clarke they don't even lift her they just drag her along the floor, I feel my heart ache knowing I have to inform Lexa that, I didn't protest Clarke well enough.
Squinting I open my eyes my heads throbing and my neck kills, I try to move my hand to my head but there restrained in handcuffs attached to the floor, great now I'm a dam prisoner.
My head is so sore I can't quite remember the events that led up to my capture, I know I'm in Arkadia, because Lexa wouldn't treat me like this.
I continue to lay on the floor the thought of moving pained me, who ever hit me around the head has some serious power.
Suddenly I here the sound of doors opening I reopen my eyes to see Pike stood at the bars of the cell I'm be kept in."Your awake good, it time you answer a few questions" he say with a smirk on his face as he opens the metal door and approached me.
I resive another sharp blow to the stomach from Pike boot, it like he doesn't even see me as a human being, just a monsters, I refuse to tell him anything about Lexa, I would happily die knowing, I kept everything I know about her safe, one more kick results in a loud groan of pain.
"Tell me how to get to the commander, if you tell me, this can end Clarke?" he growls with anger, I shake my head no, I will tell him nothing, I will protect Lexa till my dieing breath.
"this will only end with your death!" I spat at him, he wiped the spit of his face and then turned back and gave me an even harder kick, I curl up into a ball holding my stomach, trying to hold back the tears I can't cry, I won't cry. I will myself to hold everything together.
Ive expected the fact I'm going to die, I was foolishly caught and I committed treason, the punishment for that was death. Thought I don't know how long he will continue to beat me for before he actually go through with it and kills me.-----
Hours, days it could even be weeks have merged into one I don't know how long I've been hear all I know is Miller bring me food everyday, I guess so if that right I've been here about two weeks now. I get beaten by Pike at least once a day sometimes more so.
He knows I won't tell him anything so I'm guessing he's just doing it for fun. I alway thought Pike was someone who could be respected, as a lead and a teachers but his actions have show he not worth any respect.The door open allowing in the light, I look up to see Miller with a plate full of food, which I won't be eating, I refuse to eat the food they provided. Miller alway looks at me his eyes look so hurt and pained but mainly pitty.
"Clarke" he says placing the tray in front of me, this is the closest he's got to me, I fear if he's caught he would get punish and other people have been hurt on my behalf. I ignore him completely, I haven't used my voice in a long time and I don't trust my self not to break down with tears.
"you need to eat its been three weeks Clarke, your going to stave to death" he crouch down so he's at eye level with me, I look up and he look horrified, I don't know if it the bruises on my face or the swallow eye, he was shocked at but he seem as though he wanted to cry at the sight of me.
"Clarke you need to eat, your losing to much waight I fear you won't be able to survive" he takes one last good look at me the pain and hurt in his eyes, he turns away and walks out. I don't fear death anymore, I just wish I didn't have to suffer like this anymore.

Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...