Chapter 18

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I walk through the tower heading back to my room to check on Clarke, we've been here nearly two weeks and no one's really spoken to her, she keep quiet even when it just us, it seem everything has finally hit her.

I open the door quitely just in case she still sleeping as don't want to wake her.
Tip toeing into the room I notice Clarke's not here. Panic hits me, Clarke hasn't left the room since we arrived, where is she and is she okay. My thoughts run away from me and I rush out of the room and head down the hall.

Suddenly I here laughter and loud awful singing coming from Raven bedroom, I feel a wave of relaxation hit me as I hear a familiar laugh that I haven't heard in a while, a happy smile crosses my face and I approach to door.

Swinging the door open, I see the three sky girls laughing, Clarke looks so happy and they all look up at me.

"Commander" Octavia say in a loud excited tone as she stand wobbling on her feet.

"Octavia?" I say politely raising my brow in confusion as all three of them seem slightly out of it.

"we cheered Clarke up" Raven beams smiling at Clarke whom still laughing at God knows what. I smile at how care free and happy she seems a smile covering her face.

"I can see" I say in a gidy vocie, very happy to see my once upset girl friends laughing. "what did you do?" I ask wanting to know, what they did that I didn't to cheer her up.

"alcohol" Raven says in a slurred, high pinched vocie, a laugh escape my lips as I realise that all three of them are completely drunk.

"well its almost nightfall, I think we should all head to bed now" I say in a more serious tone, but Clarke looks at me with sadness in her bright blue eyes, she drops her bottom lip and my whole heart melts.

"can I stay here, with them tonight" she say in a child's voice, I can't say no to her, when she looks at me like this, I nod me head and a smile flicker back on her face and she passes me a glass of clouds colourd substance.

"Drink with us" Octavia say as Raven walks over to her small metal box and then music comes from it once again. I laugh before taking a large gulp on the drink which burns my throat causing me to gag slightly as the other let out another laugh.


The sound of laughter pounds through my throbing head as a lay on an uncomfortable surface, I let out a large groan and the laughter carrys on.

"shut up" I shout in Trigedasleng, burying my head in the pillow that my head lays comfortably on. The laughter stops as them I feel a hand rest on my shoulders usually I would jump or lash out at a hand touching me but I can instantly tell its Clarke.
Letting out a small humm, I open my eyes to be greeted by the most stunning ocean blue eyes, a smile instantly covers my face.

"morning Lexa" Clarke coos quitely rubbing circles on my back, my head throbs, the sun hits my eyes so I squeeze them closed.

"why dose my head hurt" I groan rubbing my head with my hands and I hear a small giggle escape someone's lips, I'm not sure whose but if it was a threat Clarke would have told me.

"that called a hangover, that's what happens when you enter a drinking competition with Raven" she say in a slight condescending way, I just groan as imagine from last night fill my brain. I really shouldn't be so competitive. I tell myself.

"I hate hangovers" I whin slightly before pulling myself up and opening my eyes again, the light causing the throbing pain in my head to grow. Suddenly my vision unblurs and I see Octavia and Raven sat across from me. Raven smile handing me a frame with dark glass filling it.

"they will help, put them on" she says as I take then, I copy what she dose with her own and place them on my head coving my eyes, which surprisingly help dull the sun. I look to Clarke and Octavia whom both put similar things on their heads.

"I don't think I want to drink ever again"

We all laugh slightly but we all glare at each other due to the pounding that happens.
Suddenly I remember I'm supposed to be training the Natblida today, I haven't really spent time with them since Clarke came to polis and Indra and Michael have stated that they have been asking for me.

"what's up" Clarke asks, she can read me so well, too well.

"I'm supposed to be training with the Natblida today's, I haven't trained with them in ages and they miss my training sessions" I say looking down at the ground ashamed that the young Natblida, I've worked so hard with have taken aback burner just recently.

"it's alright Indra will do it today and then tomorrow, you can do it" Clarke says smiling. Considering what she's been through resantly, she happy, smiling and if she has a "hangover" like me how is she not wanting to crawl into a ball and hide.

"I guess your right, Clarke, why don't we spend the day in bed and have food brought to our room" I say smiling, Clarke smile and nod in agreement, she takes my hand in her and we stand heading to the door. Octavia and Raven offer us a smile as we leave which we both happily return.

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