Wandering through the tower, I hear a echos of laughter coming from the direction of the Nightbloods room. I have nothing better to do, as Lexa in meetings and Raven busying and Octavia is with Lincoln, so I go and investigate.
Opening the door, I'm greeted with a throwing knife which land only a centimetre away from my face. I look to see a guilty looking Evelyn.
"I'm so sorry Heda I was just messing about, are you okay" she say jumping of the table she was stood on the other nightbloods, watch with wide eyes.
"I'm okay Evelyn, I told you to call me Clarke" I remind her once again, all the nightblood tend to call me Wanheda or Heda but I would rather them call me by my name.
"okay Clarke" she says a slight smile on her face as she walks over and pull the knife out of the door frame.
"What brings you here Wan... Clarke?" Aden as from where he sits on a bed, he also has a knife in his hand which is quite worrying that all these child have free range with weapons that could kill people, almost killed me a second ago.
"I was bored, so thought I'd come and say hi, see why I could here you giggles from the other side of the corridor" I say and they all look at each other and grin, I glance at them all with slight worry, what are they thinking about.
"Clarke, we're going to train, with the festival in less then two weeks we need to practice, would you like to join us?" Axel say with a goofy grin on his face.
"sure" I say and then they all start exiting the room, Evelyn grabs my hand in hers and leads me out the room.
We finally arrive in a small clear, right out side of the tower behind the stables, the nightbloods inform me that this is where they do last minute training before the conclave and its rarely used.
"Clarke can you train with me" Lilly asks, I've seen this girl take down Lexa but I agree anyway, though I believe this child could most definitely beat me up.
She hand me a large wooden pole to spar with.
We stand a few meter away and then she runs at me I mange to dodg the wooden weapon, and I hit back but the child is to fast and with in seconds, I'm led on my back with the stick to my throat."you are very predictable Clarke, try loss up your tense" the dark haird girl says with a warm smile, she helps me up before starting again.
I lasted longer on my feet this time but once again I'm wiped out, this goes on for a while until, I'm so exhausted I need a short break.
Panting for air I watch as the nightbloods train together, Lilly and Evelyn team up against Aden but he still manages to over power them and win.After recovering, I start again this time I spar against Wesley, who is definitely taking it easy on me as he allowed me to take him down properly to try and boots my ego a bit. Soon he picks up the pace a starting making it more challenging suddenly, the wooden stick smash me in the face sending me fly to the groan, a large groan escapes my mouth as I smash against the hard floor.
Wesley quickly rush over and offer me a hand up, but I'm still a little dazed by the blow so I just continue to lay there.
"Clarke" I her someone shout and then all seven children stand around me, I mange to pull myself to a sitting position and all of the nightbloods look worried.
"I'm alright" I say trying to reassure them but they all share a worried glance at each other.
I stand on my feet wobbling slightly, but Faye gives me a hand to help balance myself, I look at the sky to see it actually starting to get dark.

Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...