Your Safe
Lexa's PoV :
I golt awake, I had the worst bad dream, I dreamt I'd lost Clake, that she died and I couldn't save her. I look across at her, her beautiful golden hair flows across her face. My arms are still wrapped around the younger girl, I brush her hair away from her face. I look at her face and a smile crosses my face.
I place a gentle kiss on her forehead before moving away I change into my armour and leave the room.----
I open the door back to my room, quietly not wanting to wake Clarke up if she still sleeping. I look to see Clarke still flat out on the bed. She looks adorable when she's sleeping, her perfect golden hair fall down her back.
Since she woke she's done nothing but sleep which is what she need but I miss the firey Clake alway trying to save everyone, though I love having her in my bed every night cuddled up to her, she's so warm and I feel safe in her arms.
I walk over to the couch and see Clarke's sketch book I think she call it, lead open on the page with the drawing of me, she an amazing artist.
I walk back to my bed and place Clarke book down next to her so if she wakes he can do something she love draw.
I flick through the pages, there all different drawing, she has one of polis and some of different things, there all beautiful.I take my armour of when I here a soft weak whimper come from the bed, I look over to see Clarke watching me with her eyes, I can see her trying to pull herself up so I rush to her side helping her up.
"Lexa?" she looks as though she want to cry, I place a comforting hand on her shoulder and rub it gently.
"Clarke?" my vocie is soft and slightly horas but I don't mind, I never mind showing Clarke my feelings.
"I can't do this, stay in this bed any longer! my people they need me Octavia, Bellamy and my mother" she says with tears in her eyes I couldn't imagine being in her position not able to move much.
"Clarke AI hodnes (my love) , I know it's hard but as soon as your ready your people will be waiting for you, until then you need to focus on getting your self better" she has a sad smile and I kiss her forehead lovingly, I stoke a lock of her golden hair and meet her watery blue eyes.
"I know but I've been on this bed now for ages and your doctors say I won't be up an about properly for another couple of weeks" she say with sad eyes, I'm not quite sure how she dose it but she looks adorable, I feel as though she makes my heart melt.
"Clarke, your my..." I pause is she my girlfriend?. I mean she been in my bed now two week. I love her but dose she feel the same way.
"Girlfriend?" she softly says our eyes catch and she has they beautiful ocean eyes that I could get lost in, I feel so lost just stairs at her.
"if you would like" I say breaking our eye contact, I look to the ground when I feel her hand cup my jaw, she lift my face so that I face her, our eyes meet once more and she has this loving looking that makes my heart skip a beat.
"I would love that" she pulls me in and kiss me, the kiss is filled with passion, love and so much more so much that words can't even describe.
Cuddling up to Clarke, I feel as though she's relaxed, I hold her in my arm and hum her a lullaby, I learnt as a child, stroking her hair I place a kiss on her head. Soon I feel her breath even and I smile she asleep again.
Clarke golts awake and then groans in pain, I rush to her side and hug her trying to comfort my now crying girlfriend, I wipe the tear from her eyes and she just continues to cry nothing I do seems to sooth her and it makes me kinda worried.
"shhh, shhh, shhh" she rest her head on my chest and I stroke her hair soothingly.
"I was a bad dream wasn't it"
I just want to let her know she alright but every time I get to close she pull away and I wish she would just stay here with me.
"I dreamt someone hurt you, killed you" her voice breaks slightly and I know how she feel I too have had bad dreams about losing Clarke, so I gently rock her in my arm carefully not to pull any of her stitch.
"your safe"
I say and we just lay there all night In each others arms untill morning comes. The Sky Prinsses laying in my arm, I love making her feel safe, the same why she makes me feel.
Please let me know if you are enjoying this book so far I really am trying to make this book as good as possible I just hope you can tell!.
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Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...