Chapter 27

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Since arriving in TonDC Lexas been busy with helping the rebuild, it been great catching up with everyone and Octavia has truly grown into herself, she's be named a general to the Heda herself and she is now in-titled to her own second which Lexa has given her the opportunity to name one of the night bloods back at Polis.

I walk to the stables the sun is warm unlike most day with winter coming most morning we're filled with bitter cold but today it was warm.
I walk through the stables and my eyes find the tall white horse I rode here on she was beautiful, she had a long mane and tail and was chunky, her eyes were kind and soft. I stroke the middle of her head and she nudges into my touch.

"She a beautiful isn't she?" I hear Lexa's soothing voice, I don't look I I just stroke the horse.

"Very" I say looking up for a moment to catch Lexa emerald green eyes looking at me.

"She yours if you wanna keep her?" I can't help but smile looking at Lexa who's now stood next to me, she places her hand on the horses neck patting her.

"I would love too" I smile, I kiss Lexa softly and then I place a kiss on the horses nose.

"Moba Heda" a warriors walks into the stable both me and Lexa look up.

"Chich?" Lexa says in a firm Commander tone. I go back to petting the white horse while Lexa speaks.

"Mochof, Gon we" I hear Lexa say walking over to me a smile plastered on her face.

"I have a surprise for you later, please meet me in the flower field Octavia will show you there!" Lexa says placing a kiss on my lips softly and then going to walk away but I grab her arm.

"You can't say that and then leave tell me?" I say pulling out the puppy dog eyes which only make Lexa shake her head and smile.

"Later I must go, enjoy your day, go for a ride with Faye or Octavia even Ontari, just have fun while I'm busy hodnes" she say, I let her arm go and then we share a quick kiss before she head of in her a fast walk.
It weird to she her in full armour again I grew used to seeing her in normal clothing.

The day passes slowly I've not seen Lexa all day, she been busy and she's hardly been in TonDC. Octavia has me training with her most of the day, and now we're about to head to the flower field I've bathed and changed into a grounder style dress and clipped my blue sash around my neck like a cape, Lexa designed it that way so that I could were it without armour.

Octavia had our horses ready, I mount my grey mare and Octavia mounts her chestnut.
We head out of the gates at a steady walk.

"So the flower field isn't in the TonDC?" I ask and Octavia chuckles.

"No it is in TonDC, that's just the village, we're heading to the fields" she continues to chuckle and we walk in a comfortable silence.

The walk to the field is beautiful!, we walk through the forest wild flowers and wild animals, Greens, pinks and Blue of the sky and flower and that's when the trees stop and flower cover the ground.

"Leave the horses here" Octavia dismount and I do the same.

We walk through the huge field, I run my hands over the flower and we just walk in a comfortable silence.
That's when it ends and I see Lexa with Aden and all the other Nightbloods, and a few other grounds as we as some of the skaikru.

"Lexa what is this?" I ask walking towards her, she dresses in a black grounder dress and her red sash flowing down her side!

"I've had this planed for some time" Lexa chuckles. She grabs my hand and kisses it gently before dropping to one knee.

"Clarke Griffin, Ai Hodnes and the true second Commander!" She says smiling up at me.
"I bow too you as the Commander of the thirteen clans and ask you to be my Houmon?" Lexa looks up at me with tears in her eyes and I too have tear now flowing down my face.

"Yes of course" Lexa raise and wraps her arms tightly around my torso and I huge her back. Our lips meet in a soft passionate kiss and the crowd around us cheer!.

"You even got the Nightbloods here?" I ask pulling away and looking and the blonde hair green eyed boy who's smiling and then at all the other nighbloods.

"I couldn't do it with out them. Or some of your skaikru family I wanted them to be here so we could look back on this memory!" I can't help but smile everyone around us is drinking expensive alcohol and cheering.

This moment couldn't be better!


The Party go on well into the evening and when we get back into the wall of TonDC Lexa and I are called into the stable, well Lexa was I just followed.

"What's going on?" I whisper into Lexa ear and she look back at me with the biggest smile.

"One of the mare have gone into Foal! She about to drop any second," she looks so excited to watch this mare give birth so I smile widely at her I've never seen anyone give birth before. "Would you like to watch Ai Hodnes?" I nod my head and then we quickly and carefully head into the stable where the black mare lays on the ground already trying to push her baby out.

We watch for ages and a farmer is helping the mare deliver the foal, soon the small little black baby is born and I can't stop smiling the baby is beautiful, with a large white stripe down her face and two while front legs up to the knee.

"A filly Heda, a strong beautiful girl" he says as we sit and watch as the Filly tries and fails to stand multiple times.

"She beautiful isn't she, if she says black she has a chance of being one of my future horse, if she greys out she will be a warriors horse or a farm horse," Lexa explains her arm wrapped tightly around me.

"Why only if she stays black?" I ask and Lexa just chuckles and looks back at the foal with such love in her eyes.

"The Commander only rides dark horses to show she hold power! A black horse shows that, there has been a few time I've ridden a grey but that was only because my horse wasn't fit to be ridden" I smile understand it must be something that's been followed through out the years on the ground.

"If she greys out, would you like her?" Lexa says looking down at me her emerald green eyes search mine and I can't help but smile.

"I would love too!"

We watch the young filly for a while longer, the winter cold air nipping at our skin before we decide to call it a night and head to our tent.

So I think I'm going to bring the book to an end soon not yet but soon I have maybe one chapter to write possibly two.
I really hope you enjoyed this book so far and this chapter!
I really enjoyed this chapter!


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