Chapter 23

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The Tournament

Octavia let's out a small battle cry as she attack the man, everything gose so fast it's almost a blur but you can make out what's happening half the time, suddenly Octavia lands on the floor with thud, she lay there for a moment the man standing over her, waiting for her to say the word but instead she, kicks him in the balls and he drops not expecting it, Octavia smash him in the face with the hilt of her sword sending him flying.

He rasie is hand in defeat "chil daun (stand down)" he call defeat and Octavia steps away she hold her sword in the air getting a loud cheer from the crowd as the desert clan warriors head to medical Octavia follows for her few injuries.

The next fight wasn't nearly as interesting it was a good fight but I did know either warrior, Trishanakru fort well but Yujleda fort better and their warriors won.
Bouldalan and Podakru where next to fight which was a very long fight resulting Bouldalan win, thought there warriors came out very injured.

Next was Floukru, Luna against Ouskejon Kru.

The battle was intense, I watch and Luna fort the woman backwards but she got back up and attacked her again, getting a good blow on luna sending her falling, I watch with shock then I see it black blood dripping from her nose, I look to lexa who doesn't seem surprised in the slightest.
As the ouskejon kru warriors stand stundle the red head make her move knocking her opponent to the ground with a loud thud.

"chil daun (stand down)" the warrior say and the red head steps away and helps the other to her feet, helping her back to the healers tent.

I look to Lexa who's watch as Luna the Floukru leader helps the girl out the arena with awe, it make me feel kinda jealous watching Lexa watch another woman so intensely.

"Lexa" I say catching her attention she looks to me and smile.

"I'm next" I say kinda nervously, Lexa takes my hand in hers and kiss it her lips softly touching my skin makes me shive in a good way.

"your a good warrior Clarke, remember what I told you, he has a bad left leg, make sure at you hit him there it will help" she say going over what she'd already told me, I smile and then jump down headed into the arena and Indra call me and the Delfikru Warriors.

We both turn to Lexa and bow before starting.

"your the commanders current toy" he say look at me and then Lexa, I ignore what he says and wait for him to attack like Lexa said.

Then he dose he runs at me sper in hand, I duck and roll between his legs I quickly stand and stamp on the back of his left leg which cause him to fall with a thud, I approach him hand holding my sword to his throat, but he doesn't stop, suddenly he kick my legs from under me causing me to crash to the floor smacking my head with fource, though I don't give up, I stand again, this time more wobbly on my feet, I watch as the man charges at me Sper in hand, I dodge his attack but only just as he catch my side making me bleed. I then knocks me to the floor once again, I watch as he stand over me, this time I know what to do I use all my fore and kick him in the balls much like Octavia did though he pulled away he didn't fall, I take this time to get of the floor, I jump out the way of one more attack and then I use my sword cutting his arm making it bleed, I watch as rage fill his already dark eyes, I use this to my advantage, like Lexa say anger cloud your judgement, he trun to me but with a lot less tactic and more range so as he lunge at me he hit the floor with his sper giving me time to kick him in the gut, he fall and then I use the hilt of my sword and smash him around the face he falls to a laying position and I point the sword at his throat.

"chil daun" he says weakly and I watch at the man stand, however once I stop I feel my body drop to the ground, my knees hitting the floor first.

The grounder lift me gently and walk me into the medical tent where Niko rush over to me.


I watch as Clarke falls to the floor, the warrior she beat scoops her up and walk towards medical the whole crowd start to make nosie.

I jump from the booth and make my way to medical I enter to see Niko stood over Clarke, who lays on the cot, blood dripping from her side and she looks dazed.

"What happened" I ask rushing to Clarke's side, she opens her eyes and smiles.

"she okay, just a concussion and some mina injury, her body just wasn't ready for the pain when her adrenaline stopped" Niko explains not that I really understand what he's says, I brush a stand of hair from Clarke face.

"well you won" I say and she smiles, I help her sit up though as I do she vomits all over the floor, luckily I jump out the way.

Once she recovered I help her back to the booth where she sit and the next around is about to start.

Azgada against louwoda kliron, I already have bets on Azgade, Ontari is a great warrior.

It start both warriors bow to me before attacking, Louwoda Kliron already gave away their weakness and Octari was quick to notice, she took the warriors down with three quick moves and then Louwoda kliron already call it quite. It was the quickest so far.


I watch as Lexa steps down from her throne and into the arena, my head still dazed but I can constraint just enough to watch.

The Ingronakru warrior bow to Lexa before starting which she return with a nod of the head.
The warrior charged Lexa but her rapid reflexes where to quick for him, she flew at him sword in hand and cut his arm as he tried to defend him self he was also quick to fight back knocking lexa to the floor, lexa didn't seem hurt in anyway, the man grows closer and then pulled the same more she did on Roan to him he drop and Lexa held her sword to her throat to close that if he even move it will kill him.

"chil daun" He say quickly holding his breath fearing Lexa would kill him.

The crowd go crazy cheering for Lexa, she hold her sword up in victory and the crowd continues to chant only fueling Lexa smugness.

She walk back over to her throne and sit next to me, she stand and raise her hand silencing the crowd, in a matter of seconds.

"today was the start of the tournament, tomorrow, the winer of today fight again, this was the start the next few day will only grow better with the races and Natblaida tournament coming, so enjoy the festival, have fun and remember peace has been accomplished" she say in her commander tone, I smile at her and she smile back at me.

We meet with Mum, Kane, Raven, Octavia, Bellamy, sinclair and a few of the grounders for a fest, the Nightblood join us and the meal is filled with laughter, a few awkward moments as expeticed with a group of people who where only at war a few months ago and only a couple of death threats, which I would call a success considering no one actually die.


Sorry for the late chapter I've been so busy with work I've just not had a minute it write!
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