Welcome To Polis
We stand at the entrances of Polis, Clarke nervous picks at her nail and bites the inside of her cheek, she didn't sleep much last night and stressed the whole time, mainly about little things I'm sure wouldn't matter.
Raven and Octavia seem exited to see their people again, Raven keeps mentioning a friend of her whose coming and Octavia just wants to see her brother again, though Clarke is determined to not talk to Bellamy the whole time he's here.
The sound of hooves make everyone look up, I spot the Skaikru approaching and step back Clarke and Indra at myside.Chancellor Kane is the first to drop to his knees quickly followed by the rest of the group.
"Heda, Seken Heda" he says mentioning to me and Clarke, we both give him a nod and he rasie to his feet.
Abby, rushes to Clarke enveloping her into a tight hug which Clarke returns with a smile, I watch as all my permanent Skaikru guess hug their loved ones.
Kane approachs me and Indra a smile plasted on his face."how is Arkadia recovering" I ask bluntly getting straight to the point, I use my commander tone and show no kind of emotion.
"it's recoving well, peace has brought a new wave of happiness to Arkadia and we have even started building home" he says proudly, I offer a small smile and nod my head.
"very well, I'm glad you are thriving" I say keeping up my commander appearance.
Clarke then walks over a smile coving her face, her clean blonde hair brained and still smelling of coconut from where she bathed again last night. Her hand slips into mine and then we head into the tower Indra and Michael, showing the Skaikru guests to their rooms.
Me and Clarke enter our room and Clarke's still smiling, we both change ready from lunch with the Skaikru guests, Clarke wears a dress that compliment her eyes beautifully, she really dose look like a princess.
"Skaiprisa (sky princess)" I say smiling and Clarke smile walking towards me with lust full eyes, our lips meet and I wrap my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me to deepen the kiss her arms wrap around my waist, I play with her long blonde hair in my finger, I feel like I could kiss her forever.
We break apart at the sound of gasping we look up to see Michael, he turns away from us and we both look at him anger grows in me.
"do you mind, next time knock" I scold my half brother in Trigedasleng, Clarke just roll her eyes and walks over to the couch and takes a seat.
"I'm sorry Heda, one of the Skaikru requests to see Wanheda" he says look to Clarke, she just looks up and groans walking towards us.
"who is it?" Clarke asks standing now right next to me, Michael think for a moment, I think he trying to remember the Sky person's name.
"Abby Griffin" he finally answers, Clarke rolls her eyes and then her lips land on my cheek which makes me blush slightly.
"I'll be back before lunch" she say before walking out, I smile at how sweet she is and then the door close behind her and my expression one again turns cold.
"Leska, hodnes laik kwelnes (Lexa, love is weakness)" he says glaring at me, I return the glare and he looks away from me.
"you know nothing of love dear brother" I snap and he doesn't respond, our eyes locked on each anger boiling on both our sides.
"remember what happened to the last person to hurt her Michael, you wouldn't want to share Titus fate would you!" I growls and he breaks eye contact.
"I trust you Leska, I just hope you know what your doing, look at the last girl you loved" he says unsure of his word he wanted to warn me but instead he just made me angry.

Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...