I wake to the should of Lexa's voice quitlely talking to me as I slept, i keep my eyes closed so she doesn't know I've woken and I just listen to her and she combs my hair with her fingers.
"I feel awful making you kill Titus, I know I've offered to do it myself and you said no, but I feel guilty, like I should protect you from this, from taking another life" she says, I can hear the sadness in her voice as she speaks. "I know how much you hate taking others live and know, in front of loads of people you kill Titus, I also know your strong and you will survive after taking his life, I just..." she pause like she don't know what to say, I stay still as I feel her move slight.
"ehhh" she groans. "if you were awake you would probably laugh at me, because I have no clue what to say, I just hope later when you need comfort ill be able to do so" she says I feel her hand brush my cheek. "I'm going to miss you when you go back to Arkadia, I've grown much to use to have you in my bed" she says in an amused tone. "anyway, I best get ready, I'll wake you when I'm back" I feel her lips touch my forehead affectionately "I love you" I hear her softly says before walking away.I wait a few moments before sitting up and opening my eyes. She so cute and she worrys about me, I love her for that. When I first met Lexa I thought she was a heartless monster. I was wrong she has the biggest heart and is far from a monster, she just wants peace as do I. Imagining a world with out her seemed almost in possible, she was my world.
I hear the door to the room open and I smile, Lexa must be back.
Lexa walks over with a smile plasted on her face as she approaches me, her smile always make me smile no matter what mood I'm in she can always make it better."Ai hodnes (my love) your awake?" she say coming to sit next to me with a tray filled with food.
"yeah, I woke a moment ago" I say and she smiles, handing me the tray filled with breakfast foods.
"I went toget you this, I thought you could do with a good breakfast it's going to be a long day" she explaines almost rambling, it makes me smile and I place a hand on her cheek looking into her forist green eyes filled with love.
"thank you Ai hodnes" I say placing the tray on the bed, I look at Lexa and then to the bed gesturing for her to sit down and she dose, I take a mouth full of my breakfast and It was delicious, a slight moan escape my mouth a Lexa chuckles.
"after this I was wondering if you would like to take a walk with me thoughts the market?" I look up at her a mouth full of food and then swolo before answering
"My love I thought we had plans today, uknow?" I say slightly confused, she just gives me a warns smile and takes a deep breath, she obviously thinking about something so I place a comforting hand on her arms and her smile reappears.
"yes Titus is being delt with a little later I though we could has some fun this morning before then keep our minds occupied" I can tell by the way she spoke her voice unsutan, Titus was her teach the closest think to a farther she head, I know she's angry but I also know deep down she loves him. I however am just angry at him, he nearly killed me and injured Lexa in a fight.
"yeah that would be nice" I says and a soft light smile cross her face for a brief moment.
We will make the most of this morning, have fun visiting the market and probably go to the stables. I liked it there as did Lexa, she seemed peaceful there.
After the beautiful morning we spent it was soon time to kill Titus, I feel nauseous think about what I have to do, all I keep think about is all the other lives I took, Finn, Mia, everyone at Mount weather, that face I killed innocent children will haunt me for the rest of the like.
Lexa looks at me from her throne and smile at me, I know her smile is telling me everything is alright, I can see it in her eyes, she tried to comfort me all morning but I kept seeing his face, I fear I will never get the image of his face out of my mind once I kill him. I smile back at Lexa to try and convince her I was alright, she seemed satisfied with my smile and then continued.
The drums start playing as he brought in restrainted, he look nothing like the man I once saw he's weak, skinny and looks as thought he's been starved, I look to Lexa with nothing but horror as I see him, he stairs at me as we catch eye contact, he never breaks eye contact once.
The sound of people discussions stop as Lexa stands."we come together tonight as we have countless times before, to watch a man die" she say in Trigedasleng everyones eyes on her except Titus who's eyes ramain glued to me. I swallow thickly know what's about to happen.
"Wanheda" Lexa say and my eyes land on hers, she unsheath her dagger and hand it to a guard who walks over to Titus and hold the dagger out I step down towards them grasping the dagger from his hand and looking at it and then Titus, whom doesn't seem afraid, my hands starts to shake as I face him.
"this kill is your, after crimes against your life" Lexa says, her eyes filled with hurt as she watch in front of the shell of a men who was Titus, her mentor and farther figure.
I clasp the dagger and try to keep my heads steady. Flashes of all my victim crosses my eyes and I take a deep breath and swallow the think lump in my throat.
"this is for trying to kill me" I growl plunging the knife into his torso, I pick carefully we're I stabed him so he would bleed out instantly as I pull the dagger out. My eyes catch Titus one last time fear never crossing his face. I pull out the knife and a few seconds later his body goes limp and blood forms in the corner of his mouth.
I look up at Lexa who's face shows no sigh of emotion, I drop the dagger where I stand and then walk back to where I was standing. I look down at my hand in almost disbelief at what I've just done the red blood dripping from my hand.
I must have been in such a trans I didn't realise the meeting was over Lexa breaks me out of my trans by placing a hand on my shoulder. I meet her eyes and then drop to my knees and she dose the same, I bury my head in her lap and just sob.
I wash Clarke's hands of with a damp cloth as she stares blankly into space, she seems as though she can't focus her mind on anything, she's cried for ages and only just stopped.
I use a towel to dry her hand and then I place my hand gently on her chin pulling her face up to look at me, her eyes still glassy from the tears that have fallen from them, I can see how broken she is by just looking into thought oeacen blues, an ocean of pain and guilt."we should get some rest tomorrow you leave for Arkaida it will take two day, you will need to be well rested for the long journey" I say placing a gentle kiss on her head and then standing up.
Clarke does the same, she takes her blood covered cloths of and throws then to the floor, she stands in only her undergarments, her body bare, I can't help but blush at the sight of her.
I also change into my nightwear and crawl into the bed next to her, Clarke snuggle up close to me, resting her head gently on my chest, softly I run a hand through her golden locks as hum a gently melody to try and soothe her."Lexa" Clarke say, her vocie horas from not speaking all evenings and probably the tears.
"humm" I humed so she knew I was listening to her.
"thank you for comforting me" she says, she looks up at me with big apologetic eyes, that just break my heart into a million peaces.
"there's no need to thank me, that why I'm here" I smile gently and she dose the same in return, she places her head back down and I continue to hum and play with her hair.
I feel Clarke's breathing steady into an even rhythm, I know she asleep so I place a soft kiss on the top of her head before trying to get some myself.

Promised to Fight
FanfictionThis is how 307 should have gone. Lexa lives to explore her new found relationships with Clarke and leading the thirteen clans as a couple. All while taking Pike down and all his followers as well as any new or old enemies that stand in their way...