29: Oh no...

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An elder wizard stands on the edge of the lake as he looks down at the skeleton. 

For some reason, I hide in Jin's arms as everyone is debating about it getting it out of letting it be.

It could be a trap... it could be just a victim; there is no way of knowing by looking from here.

"I'll go down to see," someone offers and everyone agrees. 

I turn to look at either bold or stupid soul. Jackson Wang.

He takes a deep breath before he goes into the water. All of us follow him with our eyes not knowing what to expect. Right now, he will see if there is something more than just the skeleton. 

After some seconds, a blinding light comes from the lake. Jin puts me behind him to protect me from whatever it is. I look up to him just to find him looking at me while his back is facing the lake. 

I heard someone take a deep breath and water splash. A loud 'thud' was heard followed by people gasping. 

I looked over Jin's shoulder feeling a bit nervous. All my anxiety went away when saw Jackson completely safe. A chest was right next to him though... I hadn't seen that there.

"Should we open it?"

"Wait! What if the chest is something like Pandora's box?"

"Maybe we can get a magic cat to have a look at it..." I suggested.

Digaco heard what I said. He made his way to the chest carefully. His ears pointed back as he stood alert. With his paw, he reached to touch the chest. Every second going by, I felt my anxiety growing.

"Baby, calm down," Jin cooed in my ear as he rubbed my back making me feel better. 

The baby kicked me once again, this time thrice in a row. I started to rub my belly trying to calm my baby down but it didn't seem to work as it continued kicking.

I took a sharp breath. Jin quickly leveled himself with my belly. Everyone was too focused on Digaco that one noticed when Jin lowly growled to my belly as a warning. This seemed to help as our baby calmed down right away.

This left me weak nonetheless, the pain seemed to stay there longer than it should.

"I think it's safe..." Someone in the crowd said.

Digaco walked away from the chest no longer in warning as there is no trace of something cursed with malefic magic inside. 

The chest was open with a spell so no one had to risk their face.

The blinding light we had already witnessed came out of the chest. The current of light went straight to the sky... breaking the force camp I had made when we started training.

This was the last hit I needed. I have been maintaining the spell all this time but now that I'm extra weak, everything turned black.

Jin's P.OV.

I watched as the light coming from the chest broke through the force camp but there was no time for me to look at it. Amanda fainted in my arms.

I take her in bridal style as panic waves go through me. I take a deep breath to be able to think rationally.

Through our bond, I can feel her pain... our baby is coming.

JB appears in front of me out of nowhere. He looks at Amanda terrified before he looks at me for a split second. We both lock eyes before having a silent agreement.

My relationship with the elf is far from best but when it comes to Amanda, I'll work with him no matter what as we both have the same mission: protect her.

"THEY ARE COMING!" Someone screams terrified.

I don't pay attention to whatever is going. I run behind JB as fast as I can in my human form.

Come on Jin, you are the king of werewolves, you can do this.

We go back to our house.

Some elves and witches that decided to stay behind like at me as I go by. It takes them less than a second to figure what is going on because by this time is it obvious.

We have two problems: 

One, Amanda is unconscious and about to give birth.

Two, the fairies are coming to the province as nothing is stopping them anymore.

"I'll protect them! You go and stop the fairies from getting to them!" I hear a female voice scream before more heavy steps join JB and me. 

As soon as I make it home, I carefully put Amanda on the bed. Many elves carrying multiple stuff rush to the house. 

The last one to go inside is Jisoo.  "Protectum oblitum!" After that scream, the house is sealed from the enemy. 

I go to Amanda's side. She's unconscious but needs to give birth right now...

Unlike with humans, werewolves do not get to know hours prior that they are in labor, as soon as the baby kicks and the pain sets in, IT IS THE TIME.

"How do we wake her up?" A female elf asks scared of her state.

I'm her mate... I should be able to do something.

I lean in closer to her. Once our foreheads touch, I start to tell her sweet nothings because this is how I wake her up every day.

Slowly, her eyes open as her body already knows that if I'm waking her up, everything is good. 

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