16: News

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After a second, Jin feels Karme's presence as well. He narrows his eyes as he tries to spot the "intruder."

I try to push him off me but he doesn't move an inch... I bet his possessive mode is on.

"Jin. It's okay," I say softly. His attention goes back to me. "I know him."

He growls frowning. "Him?"

I put my hands on both sides of his shoulders and then I start to shake this man back and forth. "I grew up with him. Stop being so jealous."

"HI!" Karmeleyto's cheerful voice makes me turn to look back with wide eyes.

He has a death wish.

He looked at me smiling. "Is this your mate? You know. The news runs like water. A day before you arrived, all of us knew about it."

"Good," Jin mutters under his breath.

I stand up facing the elf. "Yes, he's my one." I tilt my head. "What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

Elves never get out of their realm as it is their only safe place. What is he doing here?

"Ah, yes." He takes an envelope out of his jacket. "A message from the elder council."

I blink rapidly as I take the envelope. "I thought I would never hear from them again."

He loudly laughed. "Don't be so dramatic. They still worry about you." He suddenly frowned. He looked at me from head to toe confused for a couple of seconds before Jin growled but the elf completely ignored him. "Wow..." he muttered.

I frowned. "What...?"

He pointed to my lower region... something Jin did not appreciate as he pushed me against his chest. The elf did not react once again.

He tilted his head. "You don't know yet?"

I shook my head. "Just say it! You are making me nervous!" 

He grinned. "Well! Congratulations! You are eating for two now!"

My knees gave up. Jin caught me. Karmeleytos continued to celebrate in his own world.

"Oh my God Amanda! A witch has not been pregnant for over two centuries now! You are going to make history."

"I-I. Yeah..." I mumbled as Jin moved me from side to side in his arms.

He brushed my hair with his fingers. A calm smile was on his face.

Karmeleytos clapped. "Should I spread the news?!" He asked excitedly.

My heart almost got out of my chest out of fear. "HELL NO! IT WILL PUT US IN RISK!" 

His eyes widened in shock. He cursed under his breath. "You are right... My lips are sealed!"

"By the way..." Jin finally talked. "How did you find us?" He asked narrowing his us.

"Oh, that!" He joyfully laughed. "I'm Amanda's guardian! I know where she is at all ti-" Jin cut him off by grabbing his shirt's collars.

They both looked into each other's eyes with different expressions. Karme was confused as hell while Jin was furious...

"I swear to God," Jin mumbled. "If you dare to-"

Karme finally lost it...

I'm scared.

Before Jin could finish his sentence. The elf had punched him.

"DO YOU THINK I WOULD SELL MY BABY SISTER?!" Karmeleytos asked angrily before he received a punch.


I kind of just stood there as they beat the heck out of each other...

I sighed. 

"W-what is going on?!" A Rogebd freaking out asked as she came outside.

Her eyes widened as she saw the scene. "Yes! Master Karme! Harder!" Rogebd didn't have to think a second before picking her side.

Jin looked at her frowning for a flee second before he went back to punching and receiving punches.

I facepalmed as the scene couldn't get any messier.

Or that's what I thought... 

Jin's phone started to ring but he didn't care. I walked to pick it up. My eyes widened a little bit when I noticed that it was Hoseok the one calling.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone.

"Amanda! We have a problem!" Hoseok said freaking out at the other side of the phone.

I sighed as I looked in front of me. "What is it?" I grimaced as I saw Karmeleytos receiving a punch in his jaw that made him fall.

"Mmm... well. You know that traveling in time is... kind of illegal right?"

I frowned. "I-I. Hoseok... what the heck is going on?" 

"I don't have much time but tell Jin that Yoongi is in problems. Also... this affects you as well." And with that, he hung up.

Yoongi... he is the former king of the wolves... no one knows why he re-signed of his rightful status. One day Jin was announced as king and no one knew anything else.

"Jin! Hoseok called. Yoongi is in problems."

Jin's eyes widened. He threw Karmeleytos away from him, finally ending the fight.

"We need to go back to the castle!" He hurriedly said as he picked me up in bridal. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he spotted Rogebd.

"And you little traitor-"

"I serve Master Karmeleytos and Mistress Amanda!" She said cutting him off.

"Rogebd. Jin is t-the f-father of my baby. You should serve him as well." She looked at me like a scolded puppy. 

Jin entered the house with me to prepare everything to leave.

Oh boy, here we go again.

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