36: Better come back

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"Jimin! Are you sure you are okay?" Miyoung worriedly asks her soulmate who is already dressed for war.

Jimin takes her hand in his. "I am, my lady. I'll come back, to make sweet love to you."

I cover my mouth with my hand so they don't hear me snort. I was just walking by... what in the world?

I bite my lip down as I run away from the living room to get away from those two. Dang, vampires are something else...

I go back to my room with food for Jin. He is also going with Jimin along with basically every male in this house old enough.

As soon as I open the door, I hear tiny baby sounds. 

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I saw what was going on. Jin had Yejun laying on his chest skin-to-skin while looking at our baby with pure love reflected in his eyes.

We gave Yejun his first bath a couple of hours ago. I know it was late but with everything going on and me not being in good conditions, it got delayed. Now that his face is clear, Jin has been staring at him all day long.

"You know he got your eye?" Jin said smiling like a fool.

"Almond-shaped eyes?" I chuckled. "Are you sure?" 

I left the tray of food on the bed. I got closer to them to realize how much he resembled Jin. People say newborns tend to look more like their mothers but Yejun looks almost nothing like me.

He'll be so handsome...

I carefully sat in front of Jin. Now both of us were sitting in front of each other. I took some food with the fork and I started feeding him. I giggled when I noticed a red tint covered his entire face but Jin did not hide it.

Jin smiled like a fool. He got closer to me to the point in which our lips were brushing. Now I am the one blushing.

  "Marry me," he said over my lips in a whisper.

My heartbeat fastened. "Only if you come back," I say worried.

His smile grows. "I will come back."

"Then I'll marry you." He pecked my lips.

We both knew he had to leave... 

I'm not ready... 

Someone knocked on the door. As Jin was the only one shirt-less and the one at the other said was a male (as Jin said) he let them come in right away.

JB came in the room looking worried. "We have a problem."

We have many problems. "What is it?" 

"Queen Calypso of fairies is already here." 

"Here here? Or here closer to here..." I ask already feeling panic.

"Here here."

Jin softly put Yejun in my arms before he stormed out to get ready. JB looked at me. "I'll stay here with you." 

Protecting you~

Those words hanged in the air loosely... 

I stood to dress Yejun. I went for something simple, just his pajama romper and then I wrapped around his blanket for protection. If something were to happen... I know he will be safe.

 Miyoung, HeeYoung, and her kids were brought inside to my bedroom so all of us were in the same place. 

I saw Yoongi, Jimin, and Jin go downstairs together before the door was closed. JB stood outside along with guards. 

At this point... it doesn't matter anymore. 

I took my wand out. "Protectum oblitum!" I said as I pointed to the door. 

Myung, Yoonji, and Yejun were all over the bed. Myung had a pacifier in his mouth as he cutely sat over the bed calmed. 

"I know this is not the best time... but I can't help it," I said before I got a camera out from my purse.

As there was nothing else for us to do. Miyoung and HeeYoung started to move the babies around to get a perfect photo.

I smiled like a fool as Myung hugged Yejun and his sister. I got the photo at the perfect timing. 

I saw HeeYoung waiting for the photo to come out confused as it wasn't happening.

I chuckled. "This is a modern camera. We'll print the photo out for you."

She looked at me confused. "That is weird. But I'll take it!" 

"Hey, you two," Miyoung said to both of us. "Is it as bad as people say it is... um, motherhood."

HeeYoung and I laughed. 

"Childbirth is horrible but the joy that brings makes it worth it... still, I wouldn't want to do it again," I answered truthfully. "But hey, I gave birth in the middle of a battle, if I would've been in a hospital, I'm sure things would have been different."

"In a hospital, you can get anesthesia." 

And just like that, the three of us mad our best to not pay attention to what was happening. Distracting yourself in times like this is best to just think about everything that could and will go wrong. 

Everything was going smoothly until we heard a bomb. My mother-instinct made me run to take Yejun in my arms, I saw HeeYoung doing the same with her babies. 

Another bomb went off, this time affecting me as it hit the force camp. My vision started to get blurry so I only focused on Yejun... he is wide awake but not scared as I'm here with him. I bounced back and forth with him, doing a favor to both of us. I couldn't keep my eyes fully opened so they remained ajar.

Another bomb went off.

"A-Amanda, are you okay?" Miyoung asked full of concern.

I just nodded my head. 

If something were to happen... what would I do?

One last bomb went off.

I fell on my side weak, finally closing my eyes. "M-Miyoung. Take Yejun," I said giving my precious baby to her with all the pain in the world.

She did as told with tears threatening to pour from her eyes.

I don't want to think where Jin is... all I know is that it is on me to protect them.

With all my strength left, I stood up, taking my wand out.

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