18: Flashback

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"Amanda Solo. You have been assigned a new mission.

Someone traveled in time recklessly decades ago. We had registered this the moment it happened but there was no visible threat so it was ignored.

Two days ago, some fairies traveled in time... exactly two centuries ago.

You know what this means. You are the only one that can fix this, Amanda.

-The Magic Elder Council.

The letter fell out of my hand as the consequences of this ran in my head. 

We were attacked two centuries ago by basically any creature but vampires and werewolves... most of my people were killed while the rest of us had to hide deep in the forest where they would think we were there.

I closed my eyes tightly. I grab my head as I tried to stop the flashbacks from running in my mind but I couldn't.

I was only eight.

"Mommy!" I called my mom happily as I ran into the house. "I learned a new spell!" 

She looked at me grinning as I made a chair levitate. It was heavy but I could do it now.

The chair fell harshly to the floor breaking in the process as something broke my magic... it wasn't that I was not focused on what I was doing... it was something else.

"Oh, sweetie. You gotta be more careful," Mom said as she reached for her wand to fix my mistake.

She pointed at the chair broken on the floor but nothing happened... she frowned after a couple of seconds. She looked at her wand and then tried again but... nothing.

"What is going on?" She asked confused.

The front door abruptly opened making both of us startled. It was dad... he was freaking out.

I ran to him. "What's going on, daddy? Why can't we use magic?"

His eyes softened as he looked at me. "I don't know baby, but don't worry. We are here to protect you." As he was saying that, mom and he were having a silent conversation that I couldn't understand.

Mom took her magic purse and started to put many things in it as fast as she could. I look at her confused.

"What is going on?" I asked again.

Dad kneeled down to my level. "I don't know what is going on... but whatever it is, it's not good. Your mom and you need to go to The Elf Province." 

"B-but what about you?" I asked scared.

He smiled... "Don't worry princess, I'll meet you guys there."

I lifted my pinky. "You promise?" I asked sadly.

He intertwined his pinky with mine. "Promise."

Our pinkies were only intertwined for a couple of seconds before an explosion was heard.

"Take her, honey!" Dad screamed as he handed me into my mom's arms.

Mom was strong... she didn't feel my weight at all. 

With her magic purse hanging over her shoulders like a backpack, she carried me out of the house. I looked back at dad with tears in my eyes. He smiled at me before he went to where the fires were...

More explosions took place after that. Seconds later, the entire town was in flames. I held tightly onto mom as I heard screams and cries. I wished I could make them vanish but my magic was not working... no one's magic was. With this effect, all of us were just as useless as humans.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A scary, male voice screamed in front of us. 

I look at him with teary eyes. He had wings.

"What do you want?!" Mom asked with a firm, scary voice... a guardian's voice.

The fairy laughed. "I want all of you dead."

Everything turned black after that. I have no idea what happened. All I know is that when I woke up, my parents were dead along with the majority of us but I was safe with the elves.

The elves had saved me from the fairies that night... they had made sure to save all the children from the guardians.

Mom's magic purse was next to me when I woke up with generations of collected objects. I cried as I held onto it for months until one day... Karmeleytos came by with his smile.

"AMANDA! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Jin asked as he was shaking me harshly.

It took me a couple of seconds to come back to reality.

"T-this is bad. Yoongi opened a portal that can take anyone to whenever they want..." I babbled.

"B-but we destroyed the portal..." Hoseok said concerned.

"Yeah but someone else could just open a portal after that. Yoongi opened the entrance to the dimension that can take you to the past. It doesn't matter if he destroys a portal... it is as if you destroyed a door... someone else could put another one as the room will always be there."

"How do we fix this? I don't want anything to happen to Yoongi!" 

I gulped. "I can't do this alone... I need the order..."

Both of them frowned. "The order...?

"The Order Of The Purple Guardians."

You are born into the order but you can also join if you are an outstanding wizard/witch. I was born into it because of my dad... he was the best and I'm not behind as I want to make him proud wherever he is. Our mission has been to protect our people. All of them were killed in combat two centuries ago but their children were saved...

It's time to officially take my rightful duties.

"Wait! You can't fight! You are pregnant!" Jin said freaking out a little.

I gulped. "J-Jin. I have to." 

Someone else in the room sighed loudly. We all turned around to find Karmelytos here once again.

"I'm sure I can do something about the pregnancy," the elf muttered as he walked to me.

Jin stopped him. "Are you going to kill my puppy!?"

"No, you dumbass!" Karmelytos snapped. "I'm going to figure out what is Amanda going to have."


A/N- I think I'm going to change Karmeleytos for an idol...

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