35: Is this... it?

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I'm good now. I used some medical herbs on myself to heal faster. It was awkward as I needed to get them... inside, but I managed to do it with Jin's help... hmph.

All my weakness is gone by now. With a night of full sleep, I healed, and so did everyone else.

Jisoo and Wendy came to the castle along with Taehyung. They remained some time in the province to make sure any fairy around there was killed. 

Taehyung came back with the vampire's army. They had no casualties. 

HeeYoung kicked Yoongi out of their familiar room so Jin had given him his old room back...  

Right now... as the unofficial queen (as I am not married to Jin yet) I have to fix this. I know this is not my business but I know that if I leave things alone, Yoongi will lose his mate again... 

After making sure Yejun will not wake up soon, both Jin and I leave the room. Jin holds my hand as we walk towards Yoongi's room.

Jin knocks on the door. 

"Just come..." a gloomy voice says from the inside.

Jin opened the door and then closed it after I was in. I was here with a mission and I knew exactly what to do.

Yoongi was depressive already. He was hiding under the sheets of the bed as he shivered out of fear. 

I took a deep breath before I took some steps forward. "I know what you have to do to try to get her back."

Yoongi's finally get out of his hiding place. "What?" He asks with all his attention focused on me.

"Explain to her... yourself. I know Miyoung explained to her what happened but she needs to hear your side of the story. Everything." 

He gulped down nervously. "Won't that make her angrier?"

I shrugged. "I hid from my scent with a spell strong enough to repel my mate; of course, I didn't know it... when Jin found me 'officially' he was-"

"I was furious," he completed my sentence.  "Because I had met her in the movie set but because of that stupid necklace, I couldn't claim her... I lost precious time with my mate. But when she finally explained to me why she had hidden like that, everything made sense."

"I know it is a way more different situation but it is a good example. People aren't perfect. We commit mistakes; sadly, it is part of life but with honesty, usually, the consequences are less. I've known HeeYoung lone enough to know that she will forgive you. You'll have to do some extras but you'll get there."

Yoongi smiled softly. "I-I'll go... and see how it goes."

Jin puts his arm over his shoulders. "Hey... I have a question," he asks carefully. Yoongi nods. "Do you still see Miyoung as your mate?"

He shook his head. "I did not for some reason... I thought I would problems with the two of them but Miyoung has become a normal vampire for me... nothing special."

I looked at him intrigued. I have to research that...

Yoongi's P.O.V.

I feel terrified of my own mate. Flashbacks of me screaming and even almost choking her to death in this timeline replay in my mind over and over again. 

I can't breathe properly... no matter how much air I take through my mouth, none is getting to my lungs. As I get closer to her room, the feeling grows stronger. 

I need her in my arms to calm down but I know that is the last thing she wants. She hates me, and she is in all the right to do so, yet I can't stand it... once again. 

Why does history repeat? over and over again... I thought I had learned but I made a terrible mistake, once again. 

My body starts to shake as soon as I stand in front of the room she is in. Everyone in the castle is in their rooms so no one is aware of my pathetic self. 

My knees give up and my body starts to violently shake. I can't face her, I deserve this. My vision is blurry and now I can't differentiate between what's real and what's not. I'm not here anymore...

"Sometimes sad stories can have a happy ending as well."

That's what I told myself the day I finally married the love of my life. She looked stunning that day with a grin on her face and pure joy reflected in her eyes. I didn't know at the time but more joy would come years later when she got pregnant once... twice...

"Yoongi?! Are you okay?" 

Her melodic voice calls me but I know she isn't here... why would she? She hates me...

"Yoongi!" She calls me once again more desperate.

I sigh as soon as I feel her take me in her embrace. I know this is a dream... please don't let me wake up.

Fingers tangle in my hair, just like HeeYoung does to soothe me. I close my eyes as all my thoughts go away from my mind to leave it blank.

"HeeYoung," I mutter under my breath.

I take a deep breath finally making disappear the burning in my lungs. My body slowly relaxes as I feel my mate here.

I would imagine this throughout the years in this same castle... before I traveled in time. I would torture myself by imagining that HeeYoung was with me instead... not with Jimin, the vampire that made things right with his soulmate. 

He took her away from me when I lost her... it was well deserved, he made her happy when I never did; I just brought her pain... so much pain. Why was I so blind? My precious mate...

"I forgive you," a shaky voice said.

Finally coming back to reality, I look to the real person that has me in their embrace.

"H-HeeYoung?" I ask shakily, not able to believe it.

"She forgives you. And I do as well."

And that's when I lose it. I break down in her arms... finally letting all my pain go.

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