Chapter 24: Back from the Dead

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"Where are you? Natalie, stay away from him!" he yells into my ear as I slowly get out of my car. Scott is stalking up to Allison's car, unaware of my movements.

"Stiles, I'll have to call you back," I whisper, hanging up as I hear Stiles screaming protests into the phone. "Scott!" I hiss, hoping his wolf hearing picks up my words.

He jumps on top of Allison's car. He definitely did not hear me.

Allison and Jackson start screaming from the impact, looking above them in fear. Scott is punching the top of the car in frustration. Instinctively, I start running for them, waving my arms.

"Scott! Scott, you have to stop!" He's pounding now with both fists into the car. The whole vehicle is rocking back and forth from his attack. He will break through and get to them at any point now. My heart is racing, thinking about what will happen if he gets a hold of Jackson.

"Scott, it's me! Natalie!" I yell desperately. His face flashes up to me, his golden wolf eyes suddenly focused on me. Fuck.

He stops his clawing motion and turns his body in my direction. My whole system tenses as I realize I'm going to need to start running.

Suddenly, the flying body of none other than Derek Hale leaps from the shadows. He tackles Scott from the car, skidding him to the side of the lot. Allison's car immediately starts, the wheels spinning in place as she speeds away from the scene. I duck behind one of the columns in front of one the shopping centre stores to avoid being seen.

Derek has Scott pinned down as he thrashes.

"Scott! You have to control it!" he screams into his face. Somehow, Derek remains in human form. It's a stark comparison to Scott's animalistic howling. I sprint over to them, ready to help my best friend as much as I can.

"Get away from here!" Derek spits at me over his shoulder.

"I'm not leaving him!" I yell back, kneeling at Scott's head. I gently cup his temples upside down, trying to catch his gaze as his eyes dart around crazily. "Scott, come on Scott, think of the anchor. You know who you really are," I whisper. His eyes lock on me, this time with more depth in his stare. His arm movements stop resisting Derek but his chest still rises and falls rapidly. I watch the hair and teeth recede back into his skin. The human Scott slowly returns.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he breathes, catching his breath, eyes still locked on mine. In my peripheral, I can see Derek studying me and Scott, unsure if he should let go of Scott. I look up at him and nod. Derek rolls to the side, and Scott sits up. "Was it bad?" he asks, looking between Derek and me.

"Yes," Derek says curtly.

"It could have been," I say, trying to comfort him. He just spent the last hour as a canine and almost killed his ex-girlfriend. Harsh words are probably the last thing he needs to hear right now. "It's a good thing Derek was here." Scott looks to him and nods in appreciation. His uneasy expression still remains on his face.

"Nat, is it?" Derek clears his throat. I shoot him an annoyed look. "Right," he smirks, "Natalie. Would you mind giving us a ride home? We probably shouldn't stay here for long." I stand up, offering my hand to Scott. "No help for me?" Derek puts a pouty lip out.

"How are you feeling Scott?" I ask as I link arms with him to lead him to the car, ignoring Derek.

"Better than you would think," he says quietly. "Nat, why was she in the car with Jackson?" I pat his arm, opening the car door for him.

"You can get in the back," I say smugly to Derek as I circle to the driver's side.

The ride to Scott's house is awkward. Scott mopes against the window, watching the town blow past. I keep glancing at Derek in my rear view mirror, which somehow every time I end up making eye contact with him.

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