Chapter 25: Jackson Douchebag Whittlemore

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"Everyone duck!" Derek yells. Stiles and I sink in our seats, the jeep swinging all over the road. Gunshots ring out all around us, and I look over to see the panicked look on Stiles' face. I reach across the car and straighten out the wheel.

"Stiles! Drive!" I scream, trying to keep us on the road. My voice must have brought him back from whatever state of shock he was in.

Derek flies to the side of the Jeep as we cut a left. "Should have worn a seatbelt!" I yell back to him. The shooting stops, and a moment of silence granted to us as we try to shake the car behind us.

"That's definitely not the fucking cops!" Stiles sweats, turning over his shoulder to look behind us. Wow, he is definitely putting a lot of faith in my passenger seat driving.

"Eyes on the road, idiot!" Derek groans as he steadies himself. Stiles finally takes the wheel from me. "It's Kate Argent," he says, ducking back down as a few gunshots ding the side mirror. She's still on our tail.

"Kate Argent? Like Allison's aunt, Kate Argent?" I stutter. I'm covering my head with my arms as if that's going to help the situation at all. I had literally just met the woman the other day when I as at Allison's house.

"She's also known for being fucking insane," Derek mumbles.

"What the fuck are we going to do?" Stiles screams, taking another sharp right. Stiles loves to drive fast, but I have never seen him speed like this before. I try to clear my thoughts, but they are scrambled every time the gun starts firing again. I look back at Derek, who has the same bewildered look on his face. Isn't he the one with experience in this sort of thing?

I turn around as Stiles swings the car behind a row of buildings. "What?" he glances at me.
"I know a shortcut!" I turn around and see Kate's car swinging back behind the building to follow us. Stiles must have seen it too as I feel the car rev forward. "It's this side road, right here!" He goes to turn the wheel, but I reach out and grab it.

"What the fuck!" he yells, trying to yank it from me. I can't speak so I just jab my finger toward the side road we are about to go down.

The Alpha. It raises its head in our direction as the jeep skids to a stop. Smartly, Stiles had let up on the gas when I was fighting him with the wheel, but now as we are sitting ducks, I wish he would speed away again.

Derek is already poised to get out of the car when gunshots ring out again. Kate had pulled up behind us again.

"Stiles, drive!" I scream, slapping at him. The Jeep lunges forward, Derek slamming to the side in the backseat. We both turn to watch as Kate's car stays put.

"She's not going to pass up this opportunity. There's only one thing higher on her hunting list than me, and it's the Alpha." Derek says, running his hands through his hair. Stiles pulls back out on the main road, completely blowing through a red light as we hear gunshots ring out in the distance.

"Stiles, did you hear that? I think we're safe for the night," I reach out and touch his arm, "Stiles, it's alright, slow down." I whisper to him.

Stiles blinks, obviously shaken from Kate and the Alpha. With the way that my heart is racing, I wouldn't want to operate a vehicle either. He eases up on the gas but still flits his eyes to the rear-view mirror constantly.

The ride is silent as Stiles pulls into my neighborhood. Wordless, Stiles puts the jeep in park in front of my house. I pull his hand off the wheel and squeeze it.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I say to him, glancing back at Derek.

"Relax, Natalie. I'll make sure he gets home safe," he says, annoyed. Stiles offers me a small side smile. I know there's not much more we can do tonight but to go to sleep.

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