Chapter 16: Not the Best Plan

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"It's her," Stiles says as he pulls into the high school parking lot. We had just been at school here a few hours ago, yet when the building is shrouded in darkness it feels like a whole different world. I hold onto the seat shoulders as I poke my head from the backseat to listen. "It's Allison. Remember what you told us about the night of the full moon? You were thinking of her, right? Protecting her."

Scott nods, wringing his hands together nervously. Stiles glances at him excitedly, obviously proud of his thesis.

"And then the night of the first lacrosse game, you said you heard her voice in the middle of the field."

"Yeah," he agrees, "I did."

"She brings you back, so you could score. And after the game, in the locker room, you didn't kill her."

"Or us!" I throw in, and Scott gives me a nervous side eye.

"But she increases my heart rate! Like when we kiss, or when I touch her," Scott sighs, obviously exhausted from the topic.

"That's different," I throw in. I had already heard Stiles' ramblings on the topic that I felt like I could report on it myself. "You're just horny when you do that stuff. Not angry." Scott looks at his hands and grins as Stiles shoots me a strange look in the rearview mirror.

"What we are trying to say is," Stiles tries to bring the conversation back on track as he pulls into a parking space. "She doesn't make you weak, she actually gives you control."

"Like an anchor!" I say, proud of my contribution.

"I think it's because I love her," Scott says, looking up at us meekly. The statement seems even more dramatic as the car plunges into silence as the key is pulled from the ignition.

"Did I really just say that?"

"Yeah you did," Stiles says, shoving his shoulder playfully. I jump out of the backseat and go to swing his passenger door open. I smile to myself, thinking of how happy Allison will be when she finds out.

"That's so lovely for you two," I joke, leaning on the open door, gesturing him to get out, "but what happens when Allison isn't around." Stiles joins me outside the car, leaning over the hood. His forearms are exposed out of his rolled-up sleeves. I try not to think of his hands on me as he starts to talk.

"I can't believe we're meeting with Derek," he scoffs, glancing side to side as if Derek will appear out of thin air. Scott jumps out of the Jeep and heads toward a Camaro parked across the lot. "This is a terrible idea!" Stiles calls out after him.

"Just make sure we can get inside!" Scott calls back to us over his shoulder. I grab the bolt cutters out of the backseat and toss them the Stiles. 

"We really want to break into the school?" I grumble.

We watch Scott talk with Derek for a moment before they both walk back to us. Derek nods to me and Stiles in acknowledgement.

"Stiles, nice to see you and your little girlfriend again," he comments, broody as ever.

"Oh god, she's not my girlfriend," Stiles scoffs at him. I look back at him, my heart in my throat when he emphasizes 'not'. He sounded disgusted. What the fuck kind of answer is that?

"My name is Natalie, Nat for my friends," I snap at him, looking Derek up and down, "So you can call me Natalie." Derek seems amused at my answer.

"You said I was linked to the Alpha, right?" Scott says to Derek, changing the subject. "We're going to see if you're right tonight."

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