Chapter 30: Undressing Room

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When I pictured where I would be after learning werewolves were real, one of the last places I thought of was the Macy's women's section.

I pretend to thumb through a few green sparkly dresses while I keep an eye on Natalie, Allison and Lydia while they dress shop. Scott and I had agreed that I should keep an eye on Allison after the events of last night.

Peter Hale tried to Melissa McCall, Scott's mom, on a date.

Of course, it wasn't actually a date. It was Peter's thinly veiled threat of turning Mrs. McCall into a werewolf unless Scott joins his pack. Luckily I was there to 'protect and distract' as I have so cleverly named it. Scott's mom was left unharmed, but there's still a long list of people close to Scott for Peter to threaten. Allison happens to cross check that with Peter's revenge plan.

I pick up some perfume and toggle with the sprayer. What would I even do if Peter Hale shows up in this department store? I think to myself. Scott is busy studying for a retry chemistry exam. The girls are each carefully inspecting dresses and holding them up to each other. Lydia's pile is much larger than the other two. It's almost nice to see Natalie in this casual, not life-or-death situation. The only kicker is I am quite literally stalking them and hiding behind a clothing rack.

It wouldn't be us if things were normal. The whiff of the perfume hits my nose and I erupt in a loud sneeze.

"Very subtle Stiles," I hear Natalie's voice from behind me. Spinning on my heel, I duck behind the clothing to try and avoid getting caught. "What are you even doing here?" she continues, circling around the rack to meet me in my hiding spot. Her eyes are glistening with surprise and laughter as she crouches down.

Shhh, I press a finger to my lips dramatically and grab her arm to bring her closer. Her familiar sweet scent of her hair breaks through the perfumed air. "I'm on protection detail, and I am supposed to be not seen or heard." She chuckles and takes the perfume bottle from my hand.

"This is not helping your case, operative," she taunts the bottle in front of me. "Besides, I have my eye on Allison. I don't think we're going to get attacked in the formalwear section." Her confidence makes those stupid butterflies in my stomach flutter. I try to think of something witty in return, but I feel like I can't form words. I rub the back of my neck while she inspects the perfume brand. Since when do I get nervous talking to Natalie?

"I guess you're right," I manage to mutter, standing to my feet. I scout the store: Lydia and Allison have made their way to the other side to the shoe section. Their heads bob between the aisles of socks and tights as they have a very animated conversation.

"Come on, now you get to help me pick out a dress," Natalie grabs my arm and drags me in the opposite direction.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I try to pull back but she's already beelining for the dressing room. "I don't think I will have the same fashion sense as Allison and Lydia." We pass a bored looking teenager flipping through a magazine at the register.

"It's just a couple of dresses," she retorts, leading me to the small hallway full of dressing rooms. She drops me off in front of her door, patting my head like a toddler before slipping inside.

"Somehow, waiting for Peter Hale to show up seems more fun than this," I grumble, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall.

"Have I ever told you how whiney you are?" she calls from behind the door. I blow a long raspberry with my lips to express distaste. The door swings open to her striking a pose. "How does this look?"

A silky, light blue dress hugs her body. Two thin strings hang over her shoulders to drape the fabric over her chest. It seems to sinch and loosen in all the right places: at her hips, her back, her legs. It almost seems like it was made for her.

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