Chapter 10: Holding Up Your End of the Bargain

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"What are we, in middle school?"

"Just answer the question."


"I dare you to do a cartwheel," he says as he smiles.

"In this skirt? In your dreams, pervert," I joke, chugging my beer. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," he says, sipping his beer. I look around, searching for inspiration.

"I dare you to streak the field," I giggle. He comically pauses mid-drink. He jumps up, unbuttoning his pants.

"You know what – I am not a pansy," he pulls his pants down pointedly, "I will take you up on that dare." He throws his shirt in my face, striking a pose in his boxers. "I may need this though, for this last part." He grabs his beer and chugs the rest, then pulls his underwear off.

I cover my mouth in disbelief as he throws down his empty bottle and sprints to the goal line. His bare ass is practically shining in the moonlight. "Not too shabby", I think to myself.

He sprints back, the front view even better.

"There you go! One dare complete!" He yells, not slowing as he comes at me. I hold out my hands, starting to get up.

"No! Don't touch me!!" I laugh, running away as he picks up his speed to chase me. I get three steps before he tackles me to the ground. I am squealing with laughter as I feel his chest laughing against mine.

"Don't even think about looking!" he says, getting up and covering his junk, pretending to be shy all of the sudden. He jogs over to his clothes and slips his boxers back on. I follow him, plopping back down on the blanket and laying out, staring up at the sky. I feel him lay down next to me, turning to look at me. Crickets are sounding off in the distance. The heat of his glare and the growing tension is evident.

I prop myself up on my elbows. "What?"

"I'm sorry," he says, propping himself up to look me in the eyes, "I didn't realize how I sounded when I was complaining about that group date. The truth is, I would much rather spend time with just you." I feel my cheeks warm.

"Stiles, when did you get so smooth? Serious question," I say, my voice raising an octave as he laughs into my hair. His other hand reaches around to cup my face as he starts kissing my neck. "What if someone sees!" I glare at him.

"See, I chose this spot for a couple reasons. For one, we can see anyone, human or werewolf, coming. Hard to creep up on someone in the middle of a lacrosse field." I giggle at him.

"What's the second?"

"I mean, what high school boy doesn't want to make out with a girl on the middle of the field he plays on every day." I turn my face to catch his kiss. His hand is steady on the back of my head, pushing me into him with fervor. His lips taste like beer, his tongue cold from the sip he just took. I push mine into his mouth, moving my hand to touch his broad and shirtless chest.

"Just make out?" I question, pulling away. I am positive that my face must be the shade of a tomato with how hot I feel under my clothes. His eyes widen excitedly as my hand lightly brushes over his boxers.

"W-w-well a guy never wants to just as-assume I guess," his breath hitching as I rub up and down, not breaking eye contact with him. I can feel him getting harder.

"Do you have it?" I blurt out. He looks at me, confused.

"What? Have what?" He seems to realize the answer halfway through his question. "What! Here? You want to do it here?" He motions around the lacrosse field. I slip my hand under his waistband.

"You don't feel like you're against it," I whisper to him, still staring deeply into his eyes.

"No, no, I am not against it! It's just," he sighs, lost in the thought he was trying to make.


"Do you want, like candles? Flowers maybe? I don't know, how do first times work?" I stop the motion with my hand to laugh.

"You would know more than I," I say, rolling to straddle him. His hands rest on my thighs, right on the wonderfully sensitive part just underneath my ass. I lean forward and kiss his cheek. "All I know is I want you, right now." He gulps nervously and pushes me forward, desperately grabbing his jeans and yanking a condom out of the pocket. I pull his boxers down just enough for his hard dick to be exposed in the moonlight.

We just sit, watching each other for an awkward moment. "Well put it on, stupid," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh right! Right, getting right on that," he rambles, ripping open the wrapper. He seems satisfied with his work, but I don't give him a moment to admire it. I shove him back down, leaning over him to position myself. I hike up my jean skirt, shoving my underwear to the side. I slowly rock my hips so I am moving his cock just outside of my entrance. My heart is racing as I look up to see his face.

His breath is ragged as he watches me handle his dick to fit my motion. His hands are resting on the sides of my hips, almost delicately.

"Are you alright?" I ask. I mean it more for myself. Are we okay? He nods, biting his lip.

"You just have no idea how long I have been waiting for this," he says. His honey brown eyes are watching my face. His hands are strong on my hips now. I reach back down, holding his dick as I push it inside me.

The movement is slow as I stretch, gasping. The tip of his dick is pulsing into me, the excitement that my core is feeling heightens. I feel his thighs tense, see his teeth sinking into his lip. I move my hips slightly as half of him enters me. It starts to hurt as I sit deeper. He moves a hand from my hip to my cheek.

"Nat, move slow if it hurts," he says, pausing my movement. "Let's go at our own pace." The kindness in his eyes makes my heart flip.

Even just having him halfway inside of me feels incredible. A burst of euphoria beats from my chest; my skins tingles with pleasure as he touches the skin under my shirt. I had no idea I could feel any better than that night in the bathroom, yet here I am, under the stars.

I feel myself slowly opening up with the massaging motion and surge of wetness I am making. Stiles seems to not be breathing as I move deeper and deeper. I feel his whole dick slide in effortlessly and both of us gasp.

"Fuck," he says, his head rolling back.

I start to quicken my pace as I ride him, the stiffness of him sending my body into a frenzy. He reaches up to pull my face to him, kissing me with a hard and intense motion. Our chests brush against each other as I pump, and his breath is hot as he moans into my mouth.

His grip on my hip becomes almost painful as he pushes me down into him.

"Stiles," I moan desperately as each push hits me. The fire in my lower body is almost too much to bear. I push as hard as possible, wanting every inch of him in me, to be as close as possible. I sit back up, grinding into him as I feel him getting harder and harder.

"Nat," he gasps desperately, "I can't stop, I think I am going to-" his sentence turns into a moan as he thrusts into me. I collapse onto him as I feel his dick draining. Both of our hearts are pounding against the sound of our breathing.

"I am so sorry it was so fast," he says, covering his eyes in frustration. "I tried so hard to not. What a nightmare." I look up at him, pulling myself off of his limp dick but still straddling him.

"Nightmare is not what I would describe that," I say as I kiss his chin. He rolls his eyes.

"That's not what I meant and you know it. That was... incredible. You're incredible," he grabs my cheeks with one hand and kisses me gently. I roll off of him, straightening out my skirt. He takes of the full condom and pulls up his boxers. I hold out a hand for him to shake.

"Good job partner," I jest, "The deed is done." He looks at my hand, rolls his eyes and slaps it away. He stands up as he pulls up his pants.

"What do you mean? I think it's more like we are just getting started."

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