Chapter 9: Group Date

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I set my lunch tray down next to Scott's, trying to picture the spaghetti I just served as something a little more appetizing.

"It wasn't a dream," Scott says, almost just to himself. "Something happened last night and I can't remember what." I think back to what we saw when we walked into school this morning A full crime scene, the tape and everything, surrounding a school bus. Blood was smeared over the rear door that was bent off of the frame, like someone ripped it open. 

Or something. 

"What makes your sure that Derek has the answers?" Natalie asks as she settles in across the table. I notice the tall curly headed boy walk past our table, his gaze lingering on her as she is pulling open her yogurt tab. I feel a rage in the pit of my stomach.

"Because, during the full moon, he didn't change. He was in total control. While I was running around in the middle of the night, attacking some random guy. I just can't go out with Allison, I have to cancel."

"You can't cancel your whole life Scott," I say, biting my apple. "We'll figure it out."

"Figure out what?" Lydia asks as she sits down next to Natalie. Since when does Lydia sit with us?

"Homework!" Nat says, patting her leg. More people start sitting down around us. Our table. Our usually empty table.

"Why is she sitting with us?" I mouth to Natalie. She smirks and points to Allison, who touches Scott's shoulder as she sits down. Some lacrosse player sits next to me, Jackson next to Lydia, and Danny is about to sit next to Natalie.

"Switch with Danny," Jackson says pointedly to the kid next to me.

"Why do I always have to move for Danny?"

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot," Danny says, walking around the table. "So, I hear they are saying it was an animal attack. Probably a cougar. Killed someone on the bus."

"I heard a mountain lion," Jackson says.

"A cougar is a mountain lion," Lydia corrects. Jackson raises his eyebrow.

"Who cares," Jackson snorts. "Probably was some tweaker or homeless guy."

"Actually," Natalie says, " I just found out who it is. And he isn't dead. He's in the hospital in critical condition!" She looks up from her phone to me and Scott. Scott grabs the phone.

"Garrison Meyers," I read over his shoulder.

"I know this guy," Scott says, "When I used to live with my dad he was my bus driver." I look over to Natalie quizzically.

"Let's talk about something fun," Lydia says, clearly bored. "Where are we going tomorrow night?"

"We?" Allison questions.

"Yeah? Aren't you and Scott hanging out?" Scott and Allison look at each other. "I'm not spending another night watching Jackson watch lacrosse videos. We're doing something fun. You, me, Jackson, Scott...Natalie and Stiles?" I hear Natalie choke on her carrots.

"Ah, Stiles and I... we can't! We have plans. Right Stiles?" I am caught like a deer in headlights, glancing between Lydia and Natalie. I feel Natalie kick my shin under the table.

"Uhhhh, yeah! We are...watching my neighbor's dog. They're, uh, out of town?" Natalie's eyes are daggers into me as my lie is clear. Lydia sighs and sips her juice.

"So us six? What should we do?" she asks.

"You know what else sounds fun?" Jackson interrupts, "Stabbing myself in the eye with this fork."

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