Chapter 19: Never the Right Time

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The phone number is one I know well as I punch my dad's digits into my phone. All five of them stare at me as I listen to the ring in my ear.

"Hey, Dad, it's me," I say into the voicemail. It is almost heart-breaking the way that Natalie and Lydia's faces are desperately looking at me. "And it's your voicemail. Look, I need you to call me back, like, right now," I croak out, "We are at the school. Please, we are at the school."

A crash is heard through the blockage. The entire room seems to shake at the Alpha's movements against the door. I feel my heart drop as the Alpha slams it's body against our makeshift wall. Lydia, Jackson and Natalie back away from the shuddering pieces of furniture. Instinctively, I grab Natalie's hand and pull her toward me.

"The kitchen," she mutters, "the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." I feel her hand shaking in mine.

"Which only goes up!" Scott shouts.

"Better than here!" Lydia responds, headed for the kitchen. I pull Natalie with me as we sprint past her, getting the whole group to run behind me.

A quick run up the stairs and of course, of course, we end up in Harris's room. Half of me wants to let the Alpha in just to trash the place. We can hear the Alpha crashing through our barrier in the distance as Scott shoves a stool under the door. I glare at him as he shrugs, somehow proud of his efforts.

"Jackson," Natalie squeaks, "how many people can you fit in your car?" That's my girl, always thinking ahead.

"Five, if someone squeezes on another's lap," he gasps, leaning over a lab table.

"Five?" Allison hisses, "I can barely fit in the back!"

"Also," I add, "there are six of us, dumbass."

"What about this?" Scott asks, pointing to the fire escape door. I glance behind me at the group as I approach him. "This leads to the roof. We could use the fire escape to get to the roof!" I tap the lock on the door.

"This is a deadbolt," I mutter, trying to keep the conversation between us.

"The janitor," his eyes lighting up, "has the key. I could find them... by scent." I can't believe this guy. The janitor? On the first floor?

"Gee, that sounds like a terrible plan. What else do you have?"

"I'm getting the key," he says, sounding as sure as ever. He pushes past me toward the door.

"You can't be serious," Natalie glares at him, arms crossed.

"You aren't going out there?" Allison whispers, looking at Scott and the door. He reaches for the handle, and then Lydia, out of everyone, grabs his arm.

"Wait," she says, almost so quiet that I can barely hear her. I see her eyes studying the chemistry cabinet.

"What is it?" Natalie asks her sweetly, coming up behind her.

"What's the plan?" Jackson scoffs. "You throw acid on him?"

"No," she sneers, "A fire bomb, actually. This cabinet has everything in here for a Molotov cocktail." Jackson and I look at each other, confused. "There has to be a key somewhere. Find me a key!" Her voice gets more and more excited with word. Natalie politely squeezes past her and walks thoughtfully to the shelf. In an instant, she punches the glass, shattering it.

"Whoa," I laugh, watching Natalie shaking out her knuckle. She throws me a grin as Lydia walks over to grab a few bottles. She has a few selected items in her hands and looks to Jackson.

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