Chapter 13: Crushed

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I sprint into the store, pushing deputies to the side as I run up to Natalie. Her face shows a weak smile as she sees me approach.

"Stiles, you should have stayed in the car," my dad says half-heartedly. He knows it's no use, it's Natalie.

"What happened? What is going on? Why is there a shelf on you? Are you alright?" I say, dropping to my knees. Her small body is half covered by a huge movie shelf, DVDs all over the place.

"Stiles, it's fine. I'm fine! The medics just are afraid to lift the shelf in case I'm injured underneath. I know that its fine, nothing's broken. Just a little, uncomfortable," she looks at my dad, searching for encouragement. He nods solemnly.

"They are just running a couple more tests, and we will lift this off soon," he says, then walks over to the EMTs to join their discussion.

"Nat, what the fuck is going on? Who did this to you?" I see the gurney roll past me. She reaches her hand for mine. I hold it tightly with both hands and kiss it between my fingers.

"It was the Alpha, Stiles. And I don't think it was looking for me." Before I can say anything else, my dad, the medics and a few deputies come back over.

"Alright, we are all going to attempt to lift this up. I need people on every corner, and on the count of 3 we are going to lift up okay? Nat, they are going to lift you onto the gurney carefully." I step up, claiming the corner closest to her head. My dad counts and I use all of my strength to pull up.

Nat's lower half is soaked in blood. At first, I start to panic, but then I realize it is from the body that was just removed from the premises. She looks alright though, considering.

The EMTs move quick, one at her head and one at her feet, gingerly lifting her onto the gurney and moving it out of the way of the shelf. I drop it immediately, rushing over to her.

"How do you feel now?" I ask, brushing some of her hair out of her face.

"I can wiggle my toes if that's what you're wondering," she says, winking at me. I want so badly to laugh, but seeing her half bloodied on a gurney is making me sick to my stomach.

We both look up to Mr. and Mrs. Goodman running onto the scene.

"Natalie! Natalie, my baby," her mom sobs, pushing me out of the way. Her dad stands behind her, his face pale.

"Mom, I'm alright. Seriously, I feel fine," she says, the most comforting smile plastered over her face. "But I will say, if you had just let me pick a rom com I could have been in and out." I see her dads lips twitch into a half smile. The EMTs wheel her away, her mom holding onto the side of the gurney for dear life.

"Yeah, I think she'll be alright," he says, resting his arm on my upper back and patting it. He quickly sets off to follow his family to the ambulance.


The class bell rings, signaling that Mr. Harris can start his mind-numbing lecture. I check my phone. No text from Natalie since early this morning.

Stiles: Hey, are you alight? Did you get back from the hospital alright?

Natalie: Thanks for checking in. Just got back.

Stiles: When can I see you?

I look to my empty seat next to me. No Scott. Jackson's seat is empty as well. I motion to Danny on my right.

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