Chapter 28: A Second Hale to Worry About

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I dart back down. I'm not facing the Alpha, not again. "Stiles. Run," I hiss, grabbing him and sprinting for the exit. The only thing I am sure of is my legs pumping and my iron grip on Stiles' wrist.

The Jeep is right where we left it. It feels like a beacon, a magical finish line, and getting into the car is the only reason I would ever let go of Stiles at this point. We practically leap into the seats. The ignition turning, the car peeling out, and the turn out onto the road all happen in the same five seconds.

Our breathing is the only sound as we put distance between ourselves and Peter. My mind wanders to Derek, wounded on the ground while Peter circled him. As creepy, overbearing, and intimidating as Derek is, my heart wrenches at the thought of him dying.

I catch Stiles looking over at me, the same worried expression painted on his face. He can barely keep his eyes on the road for more than three seconds before stealing a glance in my direction.

"What?" I find myself chuckling. Nothing about this situation is comical, why am I laughing?

"Are you feeling okay? He threw you pretty hard." I rub my shoulder that had taken the beating. It's definitely feeling tender.

"He threw you too," I reply, glancing at the slight cut on his face. He grimaces, wiping his mouth with his free hand. He starts shaking his head.

"I can't do this," he starts, his voice loud.

"What do you mean?" He gives me a double take, as if he forgot I was there.

"No, I mean I can do this, I have to do this for Scott," he says, making big motions with his right hand. "But, I can't put you in danger like that. I can't watch as you almost get hurt." His voice cracks mid-sentence. I'm taken aback. It almost seems like he's about to cry and it breaks my heart.

"Stiles, I'm alright. We're alright," I lean over to him, taking his hand. He bites his lip, looking very conflicted. "You don't have to worry about me, besides," I squeeze his fingers, "I would never let you do this without me."

The car rolls to a stop as we approach a red light. He puts it in park, in the middle of the intersection. He faces me, tracing my cheek line with his finger. I feel goosebumps rise from the trail he leaves. Finally, something that makes my heart race that isn't utterly horrifying tonight.

"Nat," he whispers, the heavy edge in his voice cutting through the night. I focus on his honey eyes as he twirls a piece of my hair between his fingers. I feel a huge lump welling in my throat as I hang on the last word that came from his lips. My name has never sounded sweeter than when he says it. I am not sure if it is the near death experience, but the way his palm is brushing against my skin feels like fire. He leans across the center console and kisses my forehead.

"I know that all of this," he whispers as he presses his forehead to mine, "It's insanity. I know that it's definitely not how I pictured my school year going. But I will say that I would do it all again if it means we get to be together, like this." My heart surges with every word. I grab his face, kissing him deeply. His hands that were resting on my face now are weaving into my hair, pulling me to him. His mouth is pressing against mine with fervour. The passion grows as I wrap my arms around his neck, signalling his hands to travel down to the small of my back.

"Stiles, Stiles!" I laugh, pulling his hands away from me. "The light is green!" He playfully kisses down my neck as I squirm away. I swat and chuckle at him, finally getting him to put his hands back on the wheel.

"You're right, you're right. I've got a lacrosse game to completely miss," he laughs, putting the car in drive.


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