Chapter 7: Eye Contact

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Scott and I wait a few houses down for Natalie. Luckily, his mom and my dad are working through the night. Natalie has to solve her own curfew issue.

"So... Natalie," Scott says, breaking the silence. I groan.

"Yep. Friends with benefits. In the making I suppose," I say, waiting to see her figure come running up the road at any moment.

"Proud of you buddy," Scott says, slapping my shoulder. The passenger door opens and we both jump. Natalie stands there, posing like an idiot.

"How do you do that. Seriously." I sigh as Scott crawls in the backseat.

"Congratulations on not falling out of the car when I opened the door, Scott," Natalie chuckles, flashing her eyes at me. I put the Jeep in gear and pull out.


We are parked deep in the woods, staking out the Hale house. It is decrepit, maybe only the first couple rooms intact after the fire.

"When's this dude going to leave?" Natalie complains. We eye his car in the driveway. "Scott, do you have like spidey senses? Is he leaving soon?"

"It doesn't work like that," Scott says, clearly missing her joking tone. I look over at her. Her hair falls down, covering her tight black zip up that she is sporting.

"Wait! There he goes!" she whispers, pointing at Derek. He gets in his car and quickly leaves. The three of use get out of the Jeep quickly, running over to the spot. A purple vine spirals over freshly dug dirt.

"What is that?" I point.

"I don't know, but we don't have much time," Scott says, throwing shovels to each of us.

We dig for over an hour.

"What happens if he comes back?" Natalie asks, wiping her brow.

"Run, I guess," Scott remarks. Natalie rolls her eyes, I can tell in the moonlight. Our hole has gotten pretty deep at this point. "Wait guys, I think I hit something." I quickly jump out, pulling Natalie up behind me.

"You know what they call this," she says, gesturing to the grave. "Hole-y ground."

"I am actually going to push you into this dirt and start piling soil back on you. Right now," I say as she laughs.

"Guys," Scott says. "Look at this". I flash a light down to show what Scott is looking at. In the dirt, a wolf's face pokes out. The same purple vine wraps the body.

"Strange," I say.

"Wait," Natalie says, hopping back in the hole. She unwinds the vine from around the wolf. We shine the light again.

It's the top half of the body. The girls eyes look up into the moonlight. "What is that?" I grab the plant from Natalie. After studying it for a moment, I look at Scott. "It's wolfsbane, like, from the movies."

"What the fuck is that."


"So tomorrow, we report the body. We get Derek arrested," I explain for what feels like the fifth time to Natalie. She nods in agreement from the passenger seat.

"Now that we've dropped Scott off, I have to ask. Don't you think maybe his motive for all this is so he can play the game?" I grimace.

"Probably." She leans back in her seat and lets out a breath, frustrated. "Hey," I say as I drive, "One day at a time." I squeeze her knee. She looks down at the motion. "Sorry, sorry, was that not okay?" I pull my hand away.

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