Chapter 18: It's a Group Effort

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I'm pushing myself as fast as my legs will carry me. Scott is paces ahead of me thanks to his super-wolf speed, or at least that's what I am going to tell myself. I glance over my shoulder to make sure that Natalie isn't too far behind. She's at least ten paces behind us.

"Scott – wait!" I call out to him, stopping to grab Natalie. She's slowing as she nears me, clearly out of breath. "Come on Goodman, I thought you were in better shape than this," I joke, her eyes shooting me an angry glare but the slight tinge of a smile confirms that it lands. I check over my shoulder to double check the hallway is empty.

"That was a," she takes a couple breaths, "good move with the distraction." She slaps my stomach approvingly. I would be lying if I wasn't trying to flex at her touch.

"Shhh," Scott motions to us. "Do you hear that?" Natalie throws her head back, chest still rising and falling rapidly.

"Ughhhhh, Scott! Not this again. We can't hear everything!" she expresses, her full body language motioning her exasperation. I try to hide my smile.

"It's like a phone ringing," he says quietly, his head tilted as he listens. "Allison's phone." I catch Natalie rolling her eyes and pressing a hand to her head.

"Why the fuck would you be hearing Allison's phone?" she gasps. I pull out my phone and dial Allison's number, but Scott rips the phone from my hand before I can say anything.

"Rude," I mutter.

"Stiles?" I hear Allison's confused voice on the other side of the line.

"No, it's me," Scott corrects her, his voice suddenly soft. Geez, he's really using his flirty voice, now? I want to mock him, but then I remember I literally kissed Natalie earlier while we were crouching in a classroom, hiding for our lives. Was that as suave and heroic as it felt? I glance over at Natalie, who's wiping sweat from her forehead. Definitely heroic, I decide.

"I'm at school, looking for you," we hear Allison say. All three of us dart looks at each other, the panic rising yet again.

"Where are you?" Scott asks, holding the phone away from his ear so we can hear better.

"The first floor, near the pool?" She seems confused, but matching Scott's panicked voice.

"Get to the lobby, now!" he yells into the phone, starting to sprint toward the lobby. Natalie and I catch each other's worried glances before we both start running to follow.

We break into the lobby to see Allison and Scott looking at her phone.

"The text is right here Scott, with you asking me to meet you here," she says, the fear bleeding into her voice. Scott is staring at the screen, obviously confused.

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this?" she asks, staring at Natalie and I. We are both soaked in sweat and obviously frazzled. No shit, Allison.

"Wait, wait, wait," I interrupt, "Allison, did you drive here?" This could solve everything, Allison could get us out of this hellhole.

"No, Jackson did," she says, looking up at me. On cue, Jackson and Lydia burst into the room.

"Finally," Lydia shrugs her hands into the air, "Can we finally go?" Her strawberry blonde hair is falling over both of her tense shoulders that are dressed in a floral blouse.

"Yes! Yes, we have to go right now," Natalie says, grabbing Jackson and Lydia's hands to lead them away.

We hear movement in the ceiling.

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