Chapter 32: At All Costs

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"Lydia!" I scream, breaking into a run. Peter Hale runs for her as well in some sort of sick race to her in the middle of the field. "Lydia, run!"

She turns to see her attacker, but it's too late. He has her in his grasp, holding her head back by her forehead, completely exposing her neck and shoulder.

Her scream is blood-curdling as he bites into her.

"No!" I scream as he drops her to the ground. She's like a limp rag doll as the blood spills from her shoulder. Peter stands over, a satisfied smirk on his face.

I want to kill him.

I lung to run toward him, but Stiles arms wrap around to catch me. He's holding me back. I claw at him, desperate to get to Lydia. Why is he holding me back?

"Where is Derek?" Peter says calmly, not breaking eye contact with me. Tears are filling my vision but my mouth is dry.

"We have no idea where he is. The Argent's took him," Stiles chokes out. Peter clicks his tongue and shakes his head.

"You see, I don't care. And your friend here," he nods to Lydia, unconscious on the ground, "Doesn't have time to waste. I need you to tell me where Derek is." I break out of Stiles' arms and kneel at Lydia's head, lightly tapping her cheek to get her to wake up, or do anything. I see her lips twitch, but her eyes remain closed. I look back at Stiles, praying he has an answer. He's rubbing the back of his head with both of his hands, eyes locked and worried on Lydia while the wheels in his head turn.

"Scott couldn't find his phone," Stiles blurts out, "Derek probably had it when they were at the Hale house, before the attack." My chest is tight with panic and I am not in the mood for one of Stiles' detective speeches. He looks to Peter, as if it's obvious. "The GPS feature, on his phone. Use Scott's laptop to find the phone, and you'll find Derek."

I look up at Peter, who seems to be weighing the suggestion. He eventually nods.

"You're right. And you," he grabs my arm and yanks me up, "are you going to help me find him.

"Absolutely not," Stiles begs, "I find him. Leave her out of this."

"Fine, I don't usually take requests, but I can be flexible. You both can come," he looks down at me and gives me a sickening smile. "Think of yourself as collateral."

"Stiles, stay here with Lydia," I hiss at him. I must keep him out of danger. If it came down to it, I would save him over me. Please, I think to myself, just stay here. Stiles is conflicted as he realizes Lydia would be alone if we were to leave when she needs a hospital more than anything. He looks all around him as if the answer will just pop out of nowhere.

It technically does.

Jackson stumbles into the light at the edge of the field. "Jackson!" I yell. "You need to get Lydia to a hospital!" He seems dumbfounded. He's frozen in fear as his eyes lock on his ex-girlfriend's body. Stiles scoops her up from the ground and carries her to him.

Peter yanks on my arm as he walks back to the parking lot, obviously over the situation. I try to turn to make sure that Lydia is safely with Jackson, that maybe she's woken up, that she's alright, but Peter is practically dragging me across the ground. All I can see is Stiles running and catching up to us.

"She's alright, Jackson called 911," he comforts me through his exasperation, matching Peter's hurried pace. I shrug out of Peter's grip.

"Goodie for her," he comments, "Now time to find us a werewolf."


"His computer has to be somewhere in his room," Stiles repeats in the front seat, almost to convince himself.

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