Chapter 22: Full Moon Countdown

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"What's going on, is it a wolf thing?" I am yelling at Scott as he's pushing out of the front door of the school. He slams down his backpack on the sidewalk in frustration and sits on the bench, head in his hands. I had just chased him out of the chemistry test room, where I had only gotten as far as the second question before he jumped out of his seat and ran.

"No! No. That's not it," he says into his hands. I throw my hands up in frustration.

"Is it Allison?" I ask, biting my nails. The silence from him is an answer enough.

"Dude, I get that you're upset about Allison, but you literally got up in the middle of an exam worth 20% of our grade, you can't do that!" He looks up at me with the most sunken, sad face.

"How am I supposed to just be in the same room as her like everything is normal?" he asks, a croak in his voice. Man, he's got it bad. I sit down next to him, not sure how to proceed. Natalie is the one that's good at this stuff, not me.

"I know you really love her Scott," I say awkwardly, patting his shoulder and looking around the school courtyard. "Maybe it's the full moon? It may put your emotions more on edge." He nods, now looking straight ahead. The emptiness that hangs in the air is just begging me to say something else.

"I think she still loves you, she's just confused," I add. He looks over to me, seeming hopeful.

"You really think so?"

"Can you imagine going through what we have been this past semester, but not knowing about the whole werewolf thing? She just doesn't know what you're going through and why you are being weird, and she's confused and needs some space." I pat his back again as he shakes his head in acknowledgement.

"It just feels so terrible in my chest," he motions to his heart, "Does it feel like that for you?" I pause in confusion. He looks at me knowingly, that same look in the Jeep from the night before. "You know, with Nat?" I let out a long, vocal sigh and throw my hands up.

"Is it that obvious then?" The afternoon air is refreshing, but I am suddenly feeling a bit suffocated. Scott chuckles and picks up his backpack.

"Just don't fuck it up like I did. Now," he stands up and offers a hand to me, "let's go throw the ball around for a bit before practice. I don't think I can go back in there?"

"What about the exam?" The way that Scott rolls his eyes makes me uneasy. This switch up in emotion is so quick that I feel like I am getting whiplash.

"We'll tell him I had an emergency and you had to help. Maybe a panic attack, or like a bathroom emergency, something like that," he says, waving off my worry.

"A bathroom emergency?" I raise an eyebrow. He spins on his heel and starts walking away.

"Let's just go to the field," he yells, turning and walking backwards to taunt me, "Might not be as fun with me as it was with Natalie, but I will try!"


"Alright geniuses, listen up!" Coach Finstock yells out.

I'm untying my cleats on the bench next to Scott, the whole team still breathless from our warmup. It was not Scott's brightest idea to practice lacrosse before practice, but then again, he's got all this new found energy since the whole werewolf thing.

"Due to the recent eye epidemic, thank you Greenburg," Coach groans, "The following people have made first line on a probationary basis. Emphasis on the word probationary."

I almost drop my cleats. Did I hear that right? First line spots are open? I slap Scott's shoulder in apprehension. If I could play literally one game, ONE game, it would be everything.

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