Chapter 26: Derek 'The Interrupter' Hale

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The lunchroom is humming by the time I get to the table. Natalie seems to be chatting Scott's ear off while he moves his food around his plate. After the Allison break up, our table is back to our usual trio.

"So, how rough was it?" I interrupt. I am referencing Allison and Scott's abrupt exit from our first block this morning. He had been mopey ever since.

"I had just been texting her, trying to get a chance to ask to look at the necklace," he mumbles, not looking up from his mashed potatoes. "She got upset, and when were in the hallway, she said she needed time before we could even be friends." I look over at Nat who is listening to him attentively. I can't help but think of her not wanting to be my friend if something like this happened between us. Just another reason to stuff all these feelings I have been having for her lately deep, deep down. I take a bite of my sandwich to distract from this thought process. Hell, I'd even take Alpha talk over my feelings right now.

I feel Natalie's shoe kick me under the table. Her eyes are trying to subtly look at me then over my shoulder. I try my hardest to turn casually and see what she's seeing.

Jackson is in flirt mode sitting next to Allison at their lunch table. He's straddling the seat to face her fully, looking at her like she's the only girl in the world. With the way that Allison is giggling, it seems to be working. His eyes flick over to my table and I turn away before he can see me watching them.

Scott's eyes are locked on the couple. Looks like my over the shoulder glance was not very subtle. Natalie is looking from Jackson, to me, to Scott, obviously uneasy.

"What's happening?" I whisper to her, too afraid to turn around again.

"Oh god, he's getting up," she says, trying to not make it obvious that she's watching him, but I can see her eyes follow his movement. "He's... talking to himself?"

"He's talking to me," Scott growls. Natalie and I hang on the moment desperately, waiting for the next update. "He says he'll make my life miserable and ruin any chance I have with Allison if I don't get him the bite." I turn around to see for myself. Jackson is returning to the table next to Allison, but I definitely notice his hand touching her back as he glares at Scott.


I'm tapping my finger against my arm impatiently as I wait for Natalie. We both left the school parking lot at the same time, how was I am to park in my driveway, get out of the car, and wait for five minutes for her?

Her little Civic politely parks in front of my house. I wave my arms annoyingly at her as she gets out of the car.

"Stiles Stilinski, in these years of knowing me, you should know by now that I actually drive the speed limit," she slams the car door and walks over to me. "Danny's not even here yet."

The whole necklace incident had inspired me. There are clues all over these past few weeks, and I haven't been paying enough attention. When we were in the high school, how did Allison get a text from Scott that wasn't really from Scott? We will get to the bottom of it, but we do need some help from a more computer genius type. I can't know everything.

She walks past me in a huff. I had asked her for help with this endeavour. Could I have sleuthed this alone with Danny? Probably. Did I just want to spend some extra time with her. Definitely.

"I could use some water though, is your dad home?" she sighs, "I haven't seen him in-" I grab her arm and pull her back to me, grabbing her face and kissing her. She tenses against me, and then melts into my embrace. I realize that the last time I was able to kiss her like this was in the woods, which was too long ago. I pull away from her, her big brown eyes smiling up at me.

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