Chapter 2: Puppy Love

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Chapter 2


My eyes flicker open as my alarm clock blares. I slam my hand down on it. The hour and a half countdown to school begins.

I have to step over Scott and Stiles' sleeping bodies as I go for my towel. How does a fucking alarm clock not wake them up. I kneel next to Scott, worriedly lifting the bandage up from his wound. I refused to let him go home alone last night with a gash like that. I needed to take care of him. And well Stiles, well he never wants to be excluded.

I gasp loudly, instinctively yanking my hand back and accidentally ripping the whole bandage from his skin. "Owwww!" Scott exclaims in alarm, the rip waking him up. His legs kicked to the side, punching Stiles in the ass. He rolls over in annoyance. "What was that for?!" Scott groans.

"It's ... gone," I say in disbelief. The bite, the bite that took up two bandages yesterday from how bloody they were, was just done. Smooth skin in its place. Like it never happened. Scott glances to his side, his eyes wide.

"What the fuuuuuck," Stiles says, both hands lazily in front of his mouth, eyes alert. "Dude are you feeling alright?"

"I feel totally fine...I feel great actually," Scott says, that sweet confused expression on his face.

We are interrupted as my bedroom door swings open. My mom is in the doorway, two towels neatly folded in her arms. I look at her guiltily.

"Uh mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mention that Stiles and Scott were sleeping over," I stutter, thinking back to us dragging Scott up the ladder last night to sneak back into my room.

"I figured our two unexpected guests could use a shower before school," she winks at them, then shooting me with that 'we will talk about it later' look. She sets the towels down. "Breakfast in the kitchen in 30, hope you're hungry." And with that, she spins on her heels and walks downstairs. Stiles and Scott look at me excitedly.

"Breakfast!?" They say in unison. I motion to Scott's healed torso.

"Are we not going to talk about this?" They look at each other and shrug.

"After breakfast," Scott says, jumping up and grabbing a towel and rushing to the shower.

"Don't you need to get your lacrosse stuff?" I say to Stiles. He swats at me disapprovingly.

"I'll swing by home with Scott. After breakfast." I sigh, going to my closet to pick what to wear. I hear Stiles stumble up to his feet behind me. "Uh, Nat?" I turn. He is awkward shifting over to me in his awkward Stiles way. "I'm uh, really glad you're alright. You know, with that whatever attacking Scott and everything." He gestures to where Scott slept to reference him, as if I could forget being attacked by a wolf two times normal size with glowing red eyes.

"Thanks," I say, turning to my closet to hide my blush. God, why am I blushing? This is such an awkward moment.

Scott breaks the silence by coming in in his towel, Eva close behind. "Have you been working out?" She giggles, twisting her hair. He side eyes her then looks at me.

"Eva, out," I say, throwing a pillow at her. "Double hit!" I giggle, heaving my weighted blanket on top of Stiles, grabbing my towel and sprinting for the bathroom. "I'm showering next!" I look back and Stiles in pinned to the ground under the blanket, Scott laughing at him, and Eva laughing at Scott.

In the shower, I think of the last 12 hours. Being in the woods at midnight. The moon high in the sky. Those dead eyes looking at me on half of a girl. Scott and Stiles. Oh god, Scott. The wolf with those red, red eyes. Even closing my own eyes, I still see them. Why did it run? Why didn't it get me too?

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