Chapter 11: Just "Studying"

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I pull the key out of my ignition and sit back in the seat, taking a deep breath. I spot the lacrosse freshman catching up next to the school sign. The stoners under the tree across the courtyard are not so subtly passing a joint between them. Lydia and Allison walk arm and arm into the school. Everything looks the same, but yet, different.

My cheeks flush thinking about the night before. Stiles is what is different. My mind flashes to me on top of him in the moonlight, his hands on my hips, the sweat glistening on his chest.

Simultaneously, my passenger door and back door opens, Scott and Stiles hopping inside. I jump in surprise, grabbing my chest to steady my heart.

"God! You can't do that! Not with werewolves running around," I lecture. I am painfully aware of how good Stiles smells as he sits next to me.

"Funny you should mention that actually," Stiles says, his hands moving around excitedly in front of him, "There may be another one besides Derek. So after I dropped you off last night, Scott and I came back to the school." I turn my body to look at Scott, who is nodding.

"Yeah, Derek told me if I wanted to remember, I needed to get back on that bus. He said an Alpha had to have turned me. So that's what we did. And I remembered...everything," he said, looking off in the distance. "I was trying to help the bus driver, I didn't hurt him. But there was someone else there. A wolf."

"With glowing red eyes?" I ask, thinking back to that first night. Both Scott and Stiles stare at me.

"How did you know that?" Scott asks, leaning forward.

"That's what I saw, that night you were bit." Stiles turns to Scott.

"If Derek's not the Alpha and he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" Scott shifts uncomfortably.

"I don't know."

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" I note.

"I don't know!"

"Does Allison's dad know about the-"

"I don't know!" Scott shouts. I reach behind me and pat his leg.

"Scott, we'll figure it out." I say reassuringly.

"Yeah, let's all get together tonight and brainstorm. Maybe research? I can get my dad's whiteboard!" Stiles says excitedly. I glare at him.

"Maybe we should study for that chemistry exam first. We need to keep our grades up right now," I try to subtly eye Scott, signaling to Stiles that, yes, I saw that D- Scott just received on the last test.

"I can't tonight," Scott interrupts. "I am studying with Allison." Both Stiles and I shoot our bodies around.

"Studying!?" Stiles yelps and slaps his leg. "That's my boy."

"What?" Scott seems genuinely confused.

"You're not 'just' studying," I chirp.

"Yes we are?" Stiles shakes his head and reaches in his wallet, holding up a condom with his two fingers.

"You cannot squander this opportunity young padawan," he says, reverently offering the condom to Scott by bowing his head. Scott laughs and takes it.

"Wait, Stiles? Why would you have a condom?" Stiles looks at me, his red face giving away too much for my comfort. I shake my head and get out of the car before Scott can say anything.

Four long periods later, I run through the hall to catch up to Allison and Lydia.

"Hey! You two!" I yell, getting half the hall to turn and look at me. "Excuse me, excuse me," I say, shoving through a few groups of people. Lydia and Allison laugh at me as they wait to the side. "Allison! When were you going to tell me you're studying alone with Scott tonight?" Lydia's mouth drops and she slaps Allison in the stomach.

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