Chapter 5: What's with These Two and Bathrooms

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Stiles kisses me roughly, his tongue slightly reaching into my mouth, biting my bottom lip. I am not sure if he meant to just kiss me once, but we can't stop. I reach my hands under his shirt, feeling up his abs and up to his pecks. He grabs my ass and drags me so my open legs are pressed against his hips. My hands explore his back muscles, I desperately grab at him as he moves his kisses to my neck. I gasp for air as he kisses behind my ear.

"Take ... this off," I say, yanking my hands out from under his shirt and yanking it up. He pulls it off by grabbing the back of his collar, and he lunges back in to kiss me. His right hand is running through my hair at the back of my head, his left practically lifting me off the counter with how hard he's gripping my ass. He pulls back suddenly, our chests heaving.

"Can I take this off?" He says, motioning to my top. I can feel myself blushing.

"Yeah, just tug this," I say, pulling on the bow where my shirt wraps in the back. He pulls it, mesmerized. It reveals my black lacey bralette that I am so thankful I slipped on before the party.

"It's like a little present," he whispers, taking me in. I shrug off the shoulders of the shirt, and it falls to the ground. He looks back into my eyes.

"Stiles," I start, "We don't have to do this. I don't mean to force anything. I just thought, in the car, it seemed so logical-" His lips interrupt me. He's rubbing his hands up and down my bare back, then he reaches for my wrists and holds them down forcefully as he pulls away from kissing me.

"Stop talking," he orders, "Take those off." His eyes motion to my pants. I look at him surprised, and he has his tongue in his cheek as he's watching me. I unbutton them, shimmying the pleather pants over my ass. He takes the sides and yanks them down. "I fucking hate these boots, Nat," he says as he unzips them and throws them down.

"Me too," I giggle, as he yanks my pants off.

"Look, I want to try something. You can't make fun of me alright? You're new at this too," he says, his chest rising and falling quickly after our makeout. I nod obediently. "You have to tell me to stop if you are uncomfortable." He puts his arm around me once more, the other resting on my hip. He kisses me, passionately, slower than before. I melt into the feeling. The warmth of the alcohol. The warmth of his skin. I feel his hand trace the lining of my lace underwear. He starts to rub over them, directly over my clit. The movements are slow, but I feel myself getting damp. I moan softly, and he puts his hand over my mouth.

"You have to be quiet," he says. I look at him teasingly with my eyes, and nod.

His hand goes back through my hair, and I let him pull my head back. His fingers and sliding my underwear over, and I can feel two of his fingers, rubbing so slowly, back and forth on my skin. Then, he slips a finger in slowly.

I slam a hand over my mouth because I can feel a gasp escaping. "Good girl," he says, the whole finger curling into me now. His pace is slow, but I am not sure I can handle much more. He's watching my face, looking at me hungrily. His lips are on my neck, my chest, my lips. The feeling is so extreme, my whole body feels like it's exploding and floating at the same time. My breath starts to quicken and my eyes are closing. I hear Stiles curse under his breath, I look up to him staring at my face, his cheeks flushed.

"Stiles, I – I can't –" I am gasping now, gripping his arms to brace myself.

Then were hear the crash.

We both pause in fear. The crash comes from outside, I hear a commotion. Stiles runs to the window. "It's Scott", he says jumping and holding his head in fear. He goes to run by me, stops and looks at my eyes, then down my body. "Just – don't move – don't – you're perfect, just wait" He's shifting weight in both feet anxiously holding his hand up as if he's freezing me to the spot. He grabs his shirt and runs out the door. I hear people cheering at him as he runs from the bathroom shirtless.

I am just sitting there, in my bra and underwear on the counter.

Lydia pokes her head into the doorway at me, cocking her head. "Cute bra." She says, admiring me. Jackson is laughing as he approaches, looking over his shoulder.

"Yo, Stiles just ran outside after Scott, he literally didn't have his shirt on, what the fuck was he-" he turns his head to look at the same scene of me, clutching my shirt over my body. He just nods. "Ah."

"Don't tell anyone!" I say. "Get in here!" They both step inside as I am getting dressed.

"Secrets safe with us, Goodman," Jackson laughs, covering his mouth in disbelief.



I watch Scott pace his room, trying to calm himself down. I thankfully caught up to him at home. But not before he ran into Derek, and his interaction with werewolf hunters.

"I just left Allison standing there man, I just ran off. She's never going to talk to me again dude. How do I explain this?" He says, his breath still ragged from transformation.

"You're telling me," I say smugly. "I literally left a girl sitting on a bathroom counter in her bra and underwear." He looks over at me quizzically. The claws on the ends of his fingers tell me he's still got a one track mind right now. He's not interested in the newest Natalie and Stiles gossip. 

"That's not even the worst part Stiles. One of the hunters? It was her dad. Chris Argent." I lean back in disbelief. Fuck. 

"Fuck," Scott says, realizing something, "I drove her. How's she supposed to get home? I have to go back," his breath quickens and I stand up.

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down. I will call Natalie and make sure she gets her home safe." I have a missed call from her already, I press call back. No answer. "No worries Scott, let me call Lydia." The phone rings four times before I hear her annoyed voice.

"Who's this?"

"What? Lydia it's Stiles. You literally saw me like two hours ago."

"Ah, Stiles. I saw more of you than I would like to yes, I remember."

"Allison – did she get home safe? Scott had to leave early. Can you give her a ride?" I hear Lydia conferring with someone for a moment. Probably Jackson.

"Allison left, with Natalie actually. Some guy picked them up and offered them a ride. Derek I think was his name?" My heart drops.

"Derek? Derek Hale? Derek Hale drove them home?" Scott stops pacing and stares at me. I see the wolf features protruding out of his face, the hair coming from his cheeks. "Scott – wait!" I yell, but this guy literally jumps from the window and is wolf running from the yard towards Allison's. "Thanks Lydia," I sigh, hanging up and grabbing the keys to the Jeep, ready to speed the whole way to Natalie's.

I'm dialing her over and over, trying to keep my eyes on the road. I keep thinking the worst. Allison and Scott are probably already reunited, I think. And he's not going to eat her. And Derek Hale isn't going to eat Natalie. I think.

I park a house over as I see Natalie's mom and dad's cars in the driveway. The ladder it is. I grab a ladder that Scott and I hid behind their hedge like four years ago. I lean it against the side of the house up to the part of the roof jutting in front of Natalie's window. I climb up, sliding over to her window. I hear my phone go off just as I watch her walk into her room.

"Hello," I answer.

"Hey Stiles, I am so sorry for not answering, the craziest thing just happened," she says, running her hand through her hair.

"Derek drove you home?" I say, and she pauses. "Look out your window." She glances to me, seeing me crouched there. She smiles and pulls open the pane.

"What are you doing here?" she giggles.

"What do you mean, I was just hanging out?" I say seriously, leaning back so I rest on my butt. "Just kidding. Lydia told me Derek drove you and Allison home. I was worried." I see her blush. She's so beautiful when her cheeks get rosy like that. "Look, Natalie. I am sorry I left you like that." She flips her hand at me, brushing me off.

"Stiles, that was hot. I didn't know you had it in you." My turn to blush. She walks up to the window, leaning out so she's face to face with me. She moves so she's whispering in my ear. "I can't wait to return the favor." She pulls back, pecks me on the cheek, slams down the window, and closes the curtains.

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