Chapter 20: Breakups 101

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I brush out my hair in my vanity mirror, thinking of the last few days. For starters, I spent a night in the hospital after being attacked by a werewolf in a video store with Jackson Whittlemore. The next couple days were spent being coddled by my family. That comfort was short lived after telling my parents I was sleeping over at Lydia's, but then being attacked once again by the same crazy werewolf.

Eva tiptoes into my room, two mugs in her hands. She's been suspiciously sweet since the video store night.

"So," she say, setting the cup on my counter and resting on my bed. "I made you some hot chocolate." I rub lotion on my face as I turn to face her.

"Marshmallows?" I ask, peering into the drink.

"Of course, I am not an animal," she remarks, sipping her own drink. We sit in silence for only a moment.

"I just want to say," she clears her throat, "I am glad you aren't dead." I spit out the half sip I had taken back into my drink.

"Gee, thanks!" I giggle at her, setting the drink down. She smiles to herself, stirring with her finger.

"So, what is going on?" she asks, her brown hair pulled back by her headband. She looks like a talk show host by the way she crosses her legs.

"What do you mean by what's going on?"

"Well like, with you... maybe like, with Scott?" her eyes give away her intentions.

"Actually, Allison just broke his heart yesterday," I snort, smearing lotion on my legs. Eva shifts in her seat excitedly. "She thought that Scott leaving the classroom the other night was selfish."

"Selfish!?" Eva spats. "Didn't he literally chase off Derek?"

"Something like that," I mutter.

"What's going on with you and Stiles?" Eva blurts out. I glance up at her staring me down over her cup.

"What do you mean?" She reaches in her back pocket and pulls out a condom.

"What the fuck!" I hiss, grabbing it from her. She shrugs.

"I found that in your backpack and decided to throw a couple ideas together!" She puts a hand up defensively, as if anyone would have done the same. I get up and shut my bedroom door quickly.

"Okay!" I whisper loudly. "Okay, okay." I settle in next to her on the bed. "Stiles and I... we have been...maybe...sleeping together." Eva sets her drink down gently, then starts to punch me multiple times.

"I knew it! I, knew, it!" She squeals between punches. "Tell me everything!" She giggles, still bouncing on her knees. I can't help but smile as her excitement grows.

"There's not much to tell really," I sigh, grabbing my drink again. "I told him we should be friends with benefits, just to, you know, get it out of the way." I steady my drink as she slaps me again.

"Why!" Eva asks, taking my own drink and gulping it. I watch her down the hot chocolate.

"I don't know, we are just friends, and I thought getting sex out of the way for the both of us would be a good idea." I take the hot chocolate back from her.

"Do you think it could be more?"

"We haven't talked about it," I sigh, thinking of the night in the high school. "Or even done it more than twice for that matter." Eva taps her fingers on her own mug.

"I think if you told him you wanted more, something would happen?"

"I don't even know if I want something to," I say into my marshmallows.

Second Chances - Stiles Stilinski (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now