Chapter 17: Nowhere Left to Hide

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"Agreed," Scott says, grabbing my shirt to drag him with me. We creep out of the room, avoiding the glass on the ground in case the sound of it cracking gives us away.

We reach the hallway and I feel like I can breathe again. "This way," Scott motions, starting down the dark hallway. The only light comes from the moon bleeding through the windows.

"No! Nowhere with windows," I says, waving him back to us.

"It's a school, there's windows everywhere," Stiles grumbles, looking up and down the hallway.

"Less windows," I wince. My heart is sinking as I realize our options are limited. I think back to the night in the video store, those red eyes staring into me as I was pinned, helpless. We were almost as helpless here, standing in the middle of a high school hallway.

"The locker room," Stiles breaks up my thoughts. He grabs my arm to pull me with him as we run. I keep looking over my shoulder, expecting that huge black mass to be chasing us. Scott pushes me desperately into the locker room behind Stiles.

"We have to do something," I gasp, all of us bent over, catching our breath. "Should we call your dad?" Stiles starts to pace, his arms waving wildly to express his point.

"What are we going to tell him? Hey dad, sorry to bother you. A bloodthirsty veterinarian is transformed into a wolf and chasing us through the school." Scott shoots him a look.

"We don't know if it is Deaton," he corrects.

"Tell him it's gas leak," I suggest desperately.

"A gas leak that he should bring an army with guns for?" he snaps. He makes a good point.

"If cop cars just show up it might run off?"

"What if it doesn't?" Stiles' arms waving more hectic than before. "What if he attacks my dad?" We all look at the ground, out of ideas.

"We just have to run," Scott says solemnly.

"There is nothing within a mile from here," I say, staring at the windows lining the wall just under the ceiling. The only sound for a couple minutes is a sink dripping in the distance. Scott suddenly snaps his fingers and stands up.

"Derek's car!" Stiles taps his chin, obviously inspired by the idea.

"The keys?"

"We would have to get it off of his body," I shudder.

"It's the only option," Stiles concludes. He walks to the locker room door and reaches for the handle.

"Wait," Scott is up in an instant, grabbing Stiles wrist. "I think I hear something."

"Like what?" I whisper. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. The three of us are paused in time, trying to pick up whatever Scott is hearing.

"Everyone hide!" he says, running deeper in the locker room.

Stiles grabs my hand, pulling me behind a row of lockers. I look around desperately, noticing an open one at the end of the row. "Get in that one!" I hiss, pushing him toward the hiding spot. He slides into it easily, but won't let go of my hand.

"There's not room for two!" I gasp, but Stiles pulls me inside and squeezes me against him. The locker pulls shut just as the door to the room swings open. I cover my mouth to try and quiet my breathing against Stiles' chest. I can hear the footsteps growing closer to our spot. The slits in the lockers fill with shadows as the figure moves directly in front of us. Stiles' grip on my hand is so tight I want to cry out in pain, but my fear muffles it.

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