Trapped Pt:2

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It was very dark.

Were his eyes open?

Was he breathing?

Where was he?

What was happening?

Oh...he was here again but...where was here? What was this dark place? Jungkook never knew the answer. He'd wake up like this many times. However, he never remembered much but he always felt as if he's been here before and sometimes, he'd see a random memory out of nowhere and remember how he felt at that time. He never understood what was happening though or remembered enough to realize he was stuck inside of the same memory his brain created for him to play in.

Sitting on the ground, Jungkook tried to remember anything at all. However, it seemed as if his mind was almost empty of memories.

"I'm sorry..." A far voice said softly but Jungkook still got startled by the sudden sound.

Before he could think about where it came from, another sharp sound rang around him, startling him again and making him jump up on his feet but suddenly, it was hard to breathe, the breath got knocked out of him, bringing him down to his knees and making him let go of his previous thoughts as if it was his first time here.

He hissed out in pain as his hands came in contact with the floor. Clutching them to his chest.

The sound of glass breaking startled him and lifting up his head, he could see the fire engulfing the space around him.

"Hyung!" He called out in fear as he raised his body up on his feet again.

Hyung? Who was he calling out for?

That's right. How could he forget? He was with his hyung a moment ago. He was next to him.

Was it Seokjin? Where did he go?

"Hyung!" He called out again desperately, looking everywhere around him in search for the other man.

The young man took a few hesitant steps forward, his legs shaking as the fear began to overtake his body.

"Hyung! Where are you?!"

Jungkook walked between all of the dark smoke, looking everywhere around him but seeing nothing.

'We were together...I'm sure. We are....' Jungkook stopped walking as he tried to remember where they were before, he knew if he thought a bit harder, he could remember it.

"I don't know anymore..."

"We were at his place! We are at his home!" Jungkook remembered the moment he heard the distant voice speak, getting excited for a second before another thought came to him.

Why was he in a dark place before if they were at Seokjin's place and why is the place suddenly burning? It didn't make sense.

What was happening?

Jungkook heard a beep echo around him before burning wind pushed him forward on his knees again, covering his mouth and shutting his eyes closed as he coughed while the floor under him started to shake a bit.

"I'm like a devil..." A soft voice echoed around him, making the young man look up only to be met with multiple doors of different shades of black and red. All of them looking terrifyingly tall.

Whose voice was that? Was it Seokjin's? Jungkook couldn't tell.

"The...made you like this is..."

What was the voice saying? It was getting cut off a lot but it sounded so sad and lonely.

Why was it so sad?

"Who are you?"

Jungkook's vision was getting disturbed as if he was looking at an old television screen that keeps on getting interrupted by static.

Something told Jungkook that he's been here before.

"There' me..."

"Hyung is it you? Seokjin hyung? Where are you?" Jungkook asked the scared voice. He felt the urge to help him growing slowly even if he was still scared of the situation he's in. He looked all around him at all the doors, feeling his heart beat quicken as the heat suddenly hit him, making him feel drained and tired as the sweat soaked his clothes in seconds.

" I do?"

The more the voice spoke, the more the urge to help grew but the voice sounded so far away that Jungkook couldn't tell who was speaking or where he was hearing it from "Which room?!" He screamed, feeling pain start to sting his chest as darkness began to slowly engulf the place again.

With uncertain steps Jungkook walked to the tall red door on his right side. The door seemed to become way smaller the closer he was to it even though the distance was only a few steps away.

He was taking a guess. The person asking for help could and could not be behind this door. He needed to open it to see and know.

Jungkook looked behind him and saw that were some doors which were already open. Who opened them? Taking a few steps back to look at the inside of one of these doors, all Jungkook could see was an endless darkness that felt as if it could suck him in if he stared anymore. He shook his head and took a deep breath before going back to the red door and placing his hand on the handle.

The longer he took to open the door, the more hesitant he'd become so before another thought could stop him, he moved his hand and pushed the door open. However, all he saw was a bedroom.

Who was that sleeping on the bed? There was also another person sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Could it be Seokjin? Jungkook wanted to know but with the first step inside of the room, the voice spoke again and an unknown force like the wind pushed him outside.

"There' use crying about it."

He couldn't understand what was happening? Was the voice telling him not to cry about being kicked out? Was that room important? Looking back at that room, all Jungkook could see was a darkness that creeped him out like the other rooms did. He looked away from it, feeling himself sway as he began to breath faster.

Placing a hand on the black door to his left. Jungkook turned the handle but the door only slightly opened as Jungkook fell to the ground, feeling all of his energy fade away and a strong sense of fear take over him. Feeling like something bad was coming his way and that he had to do something about it but he was too dizzy to focus and think or understand the memory which he was suddenly remembering. He placed his trembling hands on his ears, folding down on himself. Feeling his throat close up as the darkness fully engulfed the place again for him to stay like that in dead silence and emptiness for hours and hours alone until his mind shut down again just like the many other times this happened.


Thank you for reading!

Chapters titled *Trapped* should've been updated between chapters at a random week day cause they're short and are kinds different from the rest of the chapters but sadly this one had to be updated like this instead of a chapter continuing from the last one.

Also, I might and might not be able to update next week cause of my final exams for this semester.

Take care.

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