Trapped Pt:1

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It was very dark.

Were his eyes open?

Was he breathing?

Where was he?

What was happening?

It was hard to breathe, the breath got knocked out of him, bringing him down to his knees.

He hissed out in pain as his hands came in contact with the floor. Clutching them to his chest.

The sound of glass breaking startled him and lifting up his head, he could see the fire engulfing the space around him.

"Hyung!" He called out in fear as he raised his body up on his feet.

That's right. How could he forget? He was with his hyung a moment ago. He was next to him.

Where did he go?

"Hyung!" He called out again desperately, looking everywhere around him in search for the other man.

The young man took a few hesitant steps forward, his legs shaking as the fear overtook his body.

"Hyung! Where are you?!"

He didn't know when but he started to take longer and faster steps between all the dark smoke.

He didn't want to be alone now. He was fine only when his hyung was with him because he made him feel secure even if he was scared but now that he was alone, he couldn't stop the fear from shaking his voice.

"Hyung please! " He continued to walk down the endless corridor. Trying to find a way, a door to escape this place or find the man he's looking for.

The more he walked, the faster his steps became. Looking behind, Jungkook couldn't see the door of the room he remembers he was in.

'It shouldn't be this far' He was confused. He was going somewhere with his hyung but where was that again?

He heard a beep echo around him before burning wind pushed him forward on his knees again, covering his mouth and shutting his eyes closed as he coughed while the floor under him started to shake a bit.

"It's bad..." A soft voice echoed around him, making the young man look up only to be met with multiple doors of different shades of black and gray. All of them looking terrifyingly tall.

"Hyung? Hyung where are you?! Speak to me!" He looked all around him at all the doors, feeling his heart beat quicken even more as the heat suddenly hit him, making him feel drained and tired as the sweat soaked his clothes.

"He's...That room..."

" Jin-hyung if he...."

The voice sounded so far away. He couldn't tell who was speaking or where he was hearing it from "Which room?!" He screamed, feeling pain start to sting his chest as darkness began to slowly engulf the place again.

"Please...Hyung..." He tried to stand up again but his body felt heavy, there was too much noise for him to focus.

He couldn't understand what was happening.

"I'm scared..."

They young man placed his trembling hands on his ears, folding down on himself. Feeling his throat close up as the darkness fully engulfed the place again for him to stay like that in dead silence and emptiness for hours and hours alone until his mind shut down.

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