A voice

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A day after the Kim's burial, Jungkook was finally moved out of the ICU to his own private room where everyone could stay with him.

No one knew when the young injured man was going to wake up. His situation saddened them but him sleeping instead of feeling the pain he'd have to endure if he was awake was something they were grateful for even though it wasn't right to be grateful for anything that the fire had created. They just didn't want to see their Maknae suffering and hurting but again, until when was Jungkook going to stay like that? His injuries could heal and he could still be sleeping so wasn't it better to have him cry in pain than to have him sleep until god knows when?

The doctor said that it shouldn't take long until Jungkook opens his eyes but his words weren't specific. How long isn't so long? Was a week or two long or was a year short considering his condition?

"Can I be honest with you?" Namjoon looked at the only person in the room other than Jungkook, breaking the silence in the room which lasted for so long with their thoughts filling their minds.

Without lifting his gaze away from the window, Hoseok gave Namjoon a soft nod.

Namjoon was silent for a few moments, looking over at his friend's figure and how tired he looked before letting out a sigh and speaking his thoughts.

"I didn't want to stay at home...Jin-hyung he's...I don't know how to comfort him. I feel sad and gloomy whenever I'm with him so I insisted on visiting Kook-ah with the first group to get my mind off things...I didn't want to stay with him but...I don't really think staying here is helping either...I mean..." Namjoon shook his head, trying to think of the best words he could use so that Hoseok doesn't misunderstand him "It's not like I don't want to be with neither of them but I don't know how to deal with this situation. I really want to be there with them as a friend instead of a leader but...I'm not sure how to do that...They both make me want to just cry whenever I look at them...I can't think or concentrate on anything these days. I don't know what to do...I'm afraid I'd hurt hyung more as I try to heal him"

When the last word left Namjoon's mouth, he let out a sigh, pushing back his hair bangs and keeping eye contact with Hoseok who turned his gaze to him at the beginning of his talk.

Again, Hoseok was giving Namjoon a nod of understanding.

"I know what you mean. It's bad. We all know that and I'm sure we were all thinking of ways to help but....to be realistic, I really don't think any of us can help much. They both need time to heal. We can try comforting Jin-hyung but we should also let him take as much time as he needs even if it affects the atmosphere around us because...If we can't let him cry and lean on us when such a tragic thing had happened then...who is he going to lean on?" Hoseok's voice was full of tiredness, speaking slowly and carefully as though he was afraid he'd wake up Jungkook but still being able to convey how he felt about the matter.

"For kook-ah...he's been in that room in the ICU for what felt like a decade and now he's out so...yeah I know the atmosphere here also doesn't feel right but he's out now and I think of that as an improvement. Let's trust that he'll wake up soon and speak to him...They say people who are in a coma can hear us so maybe letting him hear our voices will help him find the strength to wake up from where he is...It'd also help Jin-hyung if he wakes up soon. I'm sure kookie's voice would be able to make him feel better even if just a little because I'm sure Hyung is also afraid of losing him...He doesn't need that fear weighting his mind even more so I think we should have him come here too. Also...let's not rush things...You can't heal him so soon and you don't have to be the one who heals him...The six of us will work together until Hyung is back on his legs again, I'm sure he'll be able to do it even if it takes a long time. He's a strong person after all. He just needs some time." Despite the way he spoke and looked, Hoseok still lived up to his stage name, his words were hopeful unlike the other rapper's previous words. It could be wishful thinking to think that such sad events would become alright soon but that's how Hoseok was able to push away the negative thoughts and help Namjoon feel a bit less fearful of the future which was awaiting them and less stressed about finding a magical way to help in less than two weeks.

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