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Walking out of the practice room, Seokjin continued to wipe his sweat with a towel as he tried to catch his breath after all of the dances he had to follow the beat of. The instructor had them dance everything they practiced the past few weeks as if they were at a small concert.

Seokjin could feel his muscles shaking as he walked the hallway to the bathroom. He had not been looking in front of him and accidently bumped into someone's shoulder. He apologized quickly and looked at the equally exhausted face of the boys who were set to debut under Bighit Entertainment soon.

"Sorry Sunbaenim!" The two apologized at the same time and bowed.

"No it's fine, I wasn't looking in front of me." Seokjin gave them a nod, his eyes on how tired the two looked despite smiling so brightly at him.

"You're...Beomgyu-ssi and Soobin-ssi? Right?" He asked and watched as their smile grew wider. Energy suddenly showing on their faces.

"You remember us?!" Soobin asked excitedly as they both tried to fix their hair and clothes a little. They had only met Bangtan one time when they moved to the same floor as them but they didn't expect Seokjin to remember their names since it's been a long time.

Again, Seokjin gave them a nod. "Yeah, you're working hard I see."

"Yes! We're debuting soon so we need to do and show our best to the world."

Was he like these boys before he debuted with Bangtan? Seokjin couldn't remember. He looked at them with eyes that tried to understand where their energy was coming from. Trying to remember what being passionate about dancing and singing felt like.

"Is this your dream?"

"Yes, for all five of us, it's had always been our dream to debut." Beomgyu said with a smile but also a shy expression on his face as he held Soobin by his shirt, almost standing behind him.

"How nice. You're going to achieve this dream soon and I'm sure you'll do well so don't let go of your dream."

'Because if you do, you'll become like me.' He thought to himself.

"Thank you, Seokjin-sunbaenim! To hear such words from the person I admire gives me so much energy!"Soobin's smile was reaching his eyes and ears which were getting red from happiness and shyness.

This type of bright energy felt very foreign to see right now. Seokjin couldn't help but feel envious that these two had something as simple a goal. It was what he wanted but couldn't find. He couldn't bring himself to fake a smile in front of the two to show his support so instead, he gave both of them a pat on the shoulder.

"I've got to go now. Good luck." He said, bowing his head slightly before leaving for his previous destination.

He couldn't understand why their bright energy had him feeling irritated. He knew they had worries too but seeing them all happy with one goal set in front of him should've made him feel happy instead of what he was feeling right now.

"You're really suited for acting but why didn't you smile like we practiced before. They definitely felt that something was off."

"So what? Let them felt it. My words were enough to make them happy." Seokjin muttered out. He opened the door of the bathroom and went straight to the sink.

"So as long as they're happy, it's fine? Then what about you?"

"My problems are my own. If I can't find happiness, then it can't be helped." He took off his shirt and started to wipe his sweat away. Choosing to shower at home.

"It's not fine. Why do you always say the opposite of how you feel?"

"So what if It's not fine? I cried about it enough already."

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