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"Seokjin stop! Do you really want to tell them? Are you out of your mind?" Was what Seokjin heard before telling everyone of the problem keeping him from moving on. He was not expecting to hear his mother's voice in the living room because she rarely appeared anywhere other than his room and so he flinched, his body going tense as his remembered not a second later that everyone was watching him.

'What? Why can't I tell them?' Seokjin thought, knowing that his mother could hear his thoughts because she was part of him. He waited but the woman didn't answer, she just moved to look at him with alarming eyes because he refused to turn his head to look at her.

"What is it hyung?" Yoongi asked, confused with Seokjin's sudden silence and his words from before. He couldn't understand what was exactly happening.

"If you tell them, they'll leave you alone. You know they'll think you're crazy, do you want that?" She spoke his inner thoughts that Seokjin pushed back when he was trying to tell them of the truth. It was what Seokjin feared which was why his mother was saying such words. She was always doing or saying what he wanted and now too, he didn't want to be seen as an ill person.

Seokjin clenched the hand Taehyung wasn't holding and lowered his head, gritting his teeth as he wondered of what to do or what was the right thing to do but with his disturbed mind, he couldn't figure out anything.

'Why can't I tell them? I want to be done with this. Even if I'll be left alone, I-'

"No. You've already lost us and now you want to lose more people? Do you want to make them sad that you're like this? They'll be afraid to approach you anymore."

'I know! But they want to know, they insist so bad it feels like they're trying to force me to speak so let them know and let them suffer with me a bit, why am I always the only one suffering alone?'

"Are you sure?" She asked as if she was testing the truth of his words.

"Hyung?? Hello?" Hoseok spoke, trying to get Seokjin's attention back from wherever it went.


"Are you sure you want to break them like you let Jungkook's mind break in a coma? That boy might never come back and then he'll be as good as dead, just like us. Won't you regret making them suffer as they stay up thinking and thinking of what they could've done or don't tell me you no longer want to feel regret for anything and that you don't want to care? Is that it? Does this mean that you care no longer about our death or how our bodies burned in hell? Do you now only care about yourself?" The woman spoke and spoke so aggressively, talking about how she was actually dead for the first time.

Seokjin himself was shocked with the nonsense he was hearing because he never thought liked that before.

"What are you sa-" He said the words as he lifted his head to look at his mother but he felt his body go tense again and his eyes widen at the sight of his mother whose face and body was marred with burns like how he had previously imagined what fifth degree burns would look like. The view wasn't very pleasant to see.

"What-" Seokjin took a step back, fear taking over his eyes which would not move from the woman in front of him. His body trembled as he took another step back, feeling like his legs could give out any moment.

"Hyung what's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" To everyone, the word fear was radiating from Seokjin but it didn't make sense for him to be scared now because why would he be? So the next thing Jimin thought was wrong was that Seokjin was sick because he definitely also looked disgusted.

A shiver ran down Seokjin's spine before he was looking away but his mother still followed his line of sight.

"Go away!" He screamed at her as he pushed her away from him and pulled his hand out of Taehyung's grip which had softened at some point.

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