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Finally, after so many years of almost nonstop working and travelling from one country to another, the seven boys of Bangtan Sonyondan were finally going to take the long needed break for about two months, away from the eyes of public and cameras to live like normal young men with their families.

When Lotte Duty Free concert performance was done with and the preparations were complete, all that was left was for the seven boys to leave.

They had agreed to eat out for the night to celebrate and have a meal together since they wouldn't be able to do such a thing for a long while nor will they get to see each other. However, that was only what they thought would happen because when the boys were on their vacation, some of them had found time to hang out together. They surprisingly had a lot of time to waste in between their plans.

They all spent their time a bit differently. For example, Namjoon traveled to Europe, he was spending most of his time visiting museums while Jimin who supposedly didn't have that much plans on hand, got his driver's license and traveled to many places.

On the other hand, Yoongi was working on his mixtape. Jungkook was busy playing games and working on some music. Hoseok went to Los Angeles for a collaboration and Taehyung went out with his friends to the outskirts of Seoul.

Meanwhile, Seokjin slept half of the time and played games during the other half. He had played games for about 16 hours a day for five days straight before realizing that this wasn't a healthy life style or way to spend his time, thus he tired to spend more time out with his friends and family.

Even though they all felt weird about this change where they weren't performing for anyone anymore, they were still happy and enjoying their time. It was all going so well.


Time moved fast and before they knew it, they only had 6 days left before they were supposed to go back to their dorm, or rather, their second home.

After a call, Seokjin was inviting Jungkook to have dinner at his house and stay over for the night.

"Seokjin, do you have any plans for tomorrow?" It was long after the sun had set when the kim family and Jungkook were finally gathered around the dinning table. 

Seokjin's mother had made sure her youngest son always stopped playing games and joined them so that he could enjoy eating her home made food like he said he wanted to when he first arrived back home. It always brought a smile to her face to see Seokjin eating so well and happily even if it was a bit of a hassle to stop him in the middle of a game and bring him to the table just like she used to do when he was a kid.

"Not really. Why?" Seokjin asked with his mouth still full of food. He was curious as to why he was asked this question now. Did his mother have any plans for him?

"Great. We were thinking of going on a trip to Haneul Park after lunch tomorrow, the weather is nice these days and you're here too so we should spend more time together before we part away again."

"You're right, we should.." Seokjin already regretted not spending most of his time with his family instead of playing games and hanging out with his friends. It wasn't like he could help it though. Seokjin's family were busy people, they were out at work most of the time and when they were back at home, they'd be tired so he couldn't just go sit and chat with them just because he was home. He'd feel bad to keep them up. However, the weekends made up for everything. They'd spend all of their time together, eating, watching movies, going out, they'd do it all together. 

Seokjin's father, Nam-jung looked at the youngest person in the room "Jungkook-ah, would you like to come with us tomorrow if you have time?" Anyone from Bangtan was like family so it wasn't weird to ask the younger to join their family trip.

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