Trapped: Final

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Again and again.

It was the same place, the same dream which Jungkook never knew the meaning of. He'd remember a bit of it every time but would never understand it.

The place was very dark and quiet.

So dark that he never knew if his eyes were open or not.

So quiet that he couldn't even hear the sound of his own breath, making him doubt that he was even breathing.

What was happening?

Jungkook never knew the answer, but as he stayed in the darkness longer and continued to wake up in this place, he'd remembered more bits of the previous dreams every time.

He never knew they were dreams though. The pieces of his mind were scattered all over the place and many of them were missing but only his emotions were fully there and these too, he couldn't understand.

Why was he scared?

What was he scared of?

Waking up this time again, Jungkook could remember more. It was the first time he remembered anything outside of his dreams and the first memory was the face of his hyung between the smoke.

He knew he's been here before. He remembered enough to realize he was stuck inside of the same memory his brain created for him to play in but he didn't know if this was actually a dream or just a feeling similar to Déjà vu or if it was just fake memories his mind created just now.

Sitting on the ground, Jungkook tried to organize his thoughts but a sharp sound rang in his ears which he tried to protect with his hands. He swayed as it suddenly became hard to breathe but he remembered similar memories of him putting his hands on the floor which was hot so this time he just kept his hands on his ears and kept his eyes open to see if he will really find himself in another place soon and indeed the darkness around him started to appear as static all around him before the sound of glass breaking reached his ears and at the same moment, the view of static changed in a flash to the fire which was engulfing Seokjin's room.

Jungkook took in a breath as he stood up with his eyes dancing all over the place.

"This...It's a dream." Now, he was sure that this was not reality but only the creation of his mind. He took in multiple slow breaths to calm himself down before going to the door and opening it.

"What do I do?" Jungkook asked himself in nervousness as he looked at the long corridor ahead of him. He knew that if he ran ahead, he'd eventually find multiple doors like the previous dreams but there were too many doors to open and Jungkook knew he didn't have time to open them all. He felt a sense of urgency asking him to hurry up and get out of this dream to go find his hyung and help him. He feared that his hyung was dealing with the flames alone and trying to protect both him and his brother. He needed to wake up and help him before it was too late. He needed to wake up now.

Looking behind him, Jungkook decided to run the opposite way this time and find out what was on this side. He hoped that this was the right choice and that he'd be able to wake himself up somehow.

"Seokjin-hyung... Please be safe." Jungkook thought that him dreaming was a sign that his body and mind were still fine. He was alive so he didn't worry for himself but for his hyung instead because he couldn't tell if he was out of the fire yet or if they're on their way to the hospital together. He couldn't tell if Seokjin was fine too.

Jungkook ran inside of the dark smoke, looking everywhere around him but seeing nothing.

If he was inside of his mind in a dream, Jungkook thought that maybe he could control the environment around him or at least make all the smoke go away. He hoped for the later first but nothing happened so he stopped running and closed his eyes, trying his best to clear out his lungs and imagine the place without any smoke.

Opening his eyes again, Jungkook could see nothing but the walls now. All the smoke was gone just like he had imagined.

Gaining confidence with his ability to control the dream, Jungkook closed his eyes again to imagine and wish but he didn't know what to wish for. Was he supposed to wish for a door to appear and lead him outside of the dreamland or just wish to wake up? Was that going to work? Jungkook didn't know but he wished to wake up anyway.

He wished and wished but nothing changed.

Gulping down and clenching his hands, Jungkook wished to find a way out of this place but all that could come to his mind were the doors he was in front of before.

A beep echoed around Jungkook before burning wind pushed him forward on his knees to suddenly find himself right where he imagined.

Jungkook gritted his teeth and clenched his hands which his slammed to the floor in frustration. What was he supposed to do now? Open all the doors? He didn't have time for this.

Looking at all the doors around him with a heavy feeling in his heart. Jungkook felt helpless. He didn't know what to do or if there was really a door leading outside. He wished to have some kind of lead or anyone with him to make him feel a little better. Jungkook remembered how in the other dreams, there was always a voice speaking with him and wondered why there wasn't one right now. He wondered if that voice was really his hyung's and remembered what the voice was saying before and how sad it sounded.

The voice asked him for help. It asked about what to do as if it was lost just like him. The voice had seemed as if it was giving up as it said that there was no use crying about it and Jungkook really hoped that his hyung was not hurt or crying alone. He hoped that the voice was just from his imagination or a false memory and not really his hyung feeling hopeless.

With the thought of Seokjin in his mind and heart. Jungkook stood up and took another deep breath before he started to run to see where he could go and find a different looking door or the last one in this place.

He ran and the more he did, the more his vision was getting disturbed as if he was looking at an old television screen that keeps on getting interrupted by static.

"No... just a little more." Jungkook could feel that the world he's in would collapse soon just like before, but he tried to hold on and control his mind. He felt that he was close to finding a way out, he felt it and indeed, there was a single small white door waiting for him at the end of this very long corridor which seemed to be endless before.

Bending down on his knees, Jungkook placed his hand on the handle of the white door and opened it but all he could see was his reflection staring at him.

Looking at himself, Jungkook extended an unsure hand towards his reflection only for his heart to skip a beat when a hand came out to hold his wrist and pull him inside.

"Please wake up Kook-ah... He needs you..." Was what Jungkook heard when his body came in contact with the floor of the other side of the door where he was right in Seokjin's room in their dorm.

"Rapmon hyung?" Jungkook was sure this was Namjoon's voice but he didn't know where the voice came from or if it was just his imagination since the voice sounded very far away.

Standing up, Jungkook looked at the bed where one figure was sleeping with its back to him and Jungkook knew this back by heart. It belonged to none other than the oldest member of bangtan so he couldn't understand why he heard Namjoon instead of Seokjin. How was Namjoon related to any of this?

With excitement but also anxiety building up, Jungkook rushed to his hyung's side. Maybe if he woke Seokjin up, he'd be able to wake up from this dream too. All he needed to do was wake him up but before he could touch his shoulder and see his hyung's face, an unknown force like the wind pushed back, restraining him from moving forward as the static like view started to eat up what was in front of him of Seokjin's room.

"No Hyung! Seokjin hyung!" Jungkook called, feeling himself begin to breathe faster. His throat tightening up. He thought he had found a way out. He wanted to make it out of here no matter what and tried to take control of his mind and thoughts again but he couldn't fight himself nor could he create more energy out of nowhere to try and do anything. The energy was fading away from him. "Wake me up hyung! I don't want to stay here!" His words were desperate but they were heard by no one and again, in a flash, he was back at that dark place and his mind was instantly shutting down for his dreams to finally come to an end.
Thank you for reading!

This is not the final chapter, it's just the final part from the chapters titled Trapped, which are jungkook's dreams and not part of the main events.

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