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Around eight in the morning, everyone was awake at bangtan's house and around nine, they were all inside of Bighit's building and specifically at the practice room where they were stretching their bodies.

Every staff member that they worked with greeted Seokjin with a bright smile on their faces, welcoming him back with warm hearts and quick hugs.

The day started with Seokjin looking like he was trying a little bit too hard to walk with the pace everyone was walking with and it was mostly because he couldn't forget Taehyung's words no matter what, they were stuck in his head, playing again every time their eyes met.

Everyone had noticed the change of atmosphere between the two but it didn't look like the change was bad at all. Taehyung has been talking to Seokjin as casually as he used to do. It was rather surprising to see that Seokjin was not ignoring the younger or trying to run away from whatever conversation he brought up.

It was obvious something had happened between the two but no one spoke of it as the continued to practice as normal. They were rather happy with whatever could've happened because the atmosphere around Seokjin was a bit lighter.

Seokjin had been trying to give himself a chance and tried to listen to the others attentively and to whatever instructions were given as he danced. However, it wasn't so easy to get back into dance after so much time had passed with his limbs sitting around most of the time. He knew they were starting easy for him and he was thankful because otherwise, he would be tripping and slipping at every move but as the time continued to pass, the dances were gradually going back to their regular pace and for a few minutes, Seokjin thought that his body was adjusting and remembering well but it wasn't quite as he thought. He was sweating way too much and everyone noticed the way his moves were getting slower as the time continued to pass. His tiredness was evident and so, a break was given.

During the break, Seokjin sat down on the floor. The water he drank refreshed him a little, making him slightly feel better. He was sitting alone only for a few minutes before Jimin was sitting down next to him with a towel for Seokjin to wipe his sweat with, which the older was thankful for.

"How does dance practice after so long feel? Isn't it refreshing?" Jimin asked instead of staying silent.

"Yeah..." He gave a soft nod "It's refreshing." Seokjin thought about it. Dance practice wasn't bad so far. However, he was worried that he'd make more mistakes instead of improving when they continue because of the way he was getting tired much faster than before.

"Right?" Jimin smiled brightly before he reached for his water to drink from it.

It wasn't long before the break was over and they were practicing the steps for the choreography again before dancing to the beat of the music.

Each mistake Seokjin did, he tried to fix right away as he also tried to push away thoughts of the dance being too hard or that he might not be able to do this part or that part but as the practice continued and the mistakes only increased, it was hard to not think in such a way and his thoughts showed right on his face expressions as they got hard at the end of practice. Showing how troubled he was.

A pat on his back brought Seokjin's attention to their dance instructor who gave him a smile when their eyes met.

"Great work, today. It's only the first day after so long but you still did so well. Let's continue the hard work tomorrow too." Was what the man said before leaving. His words were meant to encourage Seokjin who looked down and the idol tried to believe the words and not think of them as lies of pity or anything else.

A look at Taehyung who gave Seokjin a nod in agreement with what was just said had Seokjin taking a deep breath and trying to empty his mind.

Vocal training and recording weren't much better. This session wasn't done as a group and Seokjin felt as though he was back to the days before debut where his own voice sounded foreign to him as he tried to sing each note with a better sound.

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